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Home > Exhibitor Info > Premium Guide > Department 03 - Open Beef Breeding Cattle
Superintendent: Ezra Swope
Committee: Sandy Alt, Daryl Diehl, Rich Emerick, Leroy Hall, Brad Feight, Mason Guyer & Denny Whitcomb

See animal health rules (Cattle: Section 2).
All classifications same for each breed. Percentage breeding cattle will show in the CROSSBRED class. Purebred breeding cattle show in their breed classes.

Entry fee of $5 (five dollars) per head breeding animals for open department only exhibitors remain in effect. Jr Exhibitors do not pay an entry fee for breeding animals in either open or junior department.
Payments must be mailed to Bedford Fair Beef Committee by entry deadline of June 20, 2025. Please complete the Beef & Jr Beef Entry Fee Form above and include with payment.

Breeding Beef Show - Tuesday - 12 p.m.
CROSSBREDS - Papers not required

Department 03 - Section 01 - Breeding Beef

CLASS...$20 $17 $13
01 Jr. Heifer Calf (Born after 1/1/25)
02 Sr. Heifer Calf (9/1/24 - 12/31/24)
CLASS: $24 $21 $18
03 Summer Yearling Heifer (5/1/24 - 8/31/24)
04 Jr. Yearling Heifer (1/1/24 - 4/30/24)
05 Sr. Yearling Heifer (9/1/23 - 12/31/23)
06 2 Yr. Old Heifer (1/1/23 -8/31/23)
Champion Female & Reserve Champion Female each breed - Rosettes
07 Jr. Bull Calf (Born After 1/1/25)

CLASS: $22 $17 $13
08 Sr. Bull Calf (9/1/23 - 12/31/23)
09 Summer Yearling Bull (5/1/23 - 8/31/23)
10 Jr. Yearling Bull (1/1/23 - 4/30/23)
CLASS: $24 $21 $18
11 Sr. Yearling Bull (9/1/22 - 12/31/22)
12 2 Yr. Old Bull (1/1/22 - 8/31/22)
Champion Bull & Reserve Champion Bull - Rosettes
13 Two Bulls Owned by Exhibitor

Supreme Champion Female all breeds open shows - Rosette
Supreme Champion Female Over All - Rosette

Special Awards

Overall Beef Heifer Awards
Open and junior show animals are eligible for these cash awards. Breed champions will be placed together for overall selection.

Supreme Champion over all breeds - $500 sponsored by Willow Springs Farm, Jeff & Sally Miller (Ineligible for County Bred)
Reserve Supreme Champion over all breeds - $400 sponsored by Guyer Brothers
County Bred Champion over all breeds - $350 sponsored by Creekside Beef, Ezra Swope
Reserve County Bred Champion over all breeds - $250 sponsored by Miller Excavating, Deran Miller

Thank you to Our Sponsors

Creekside Beef, Ezra Swope
Guyer Brothers
Miller Excavating, Deran Miller
Willow Springs Farm, Jeff & Sally Miller
Wills Mountain Riders 4H
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