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Department 10 - 4-H & Vocational - Junior Breed Goat

Superintendent: Spring Truax-Whisel (814-652-2268); Committee: Liana Lehman, Jesse Bywater, Ayrian Hinish, Julie Sarver, Corey Snyder, JoAnn Fisher and Mike Sarver

1. Horns must be removed. EXCEPTION: Boer breeding goats as per Registry show rules - must be tipped or blunted on all Boers.
2. Registration papers are necessary for all animals, showing breed, and that the animals are owned by the exhibitor, with the exception of leased animals. Registration application copies are acceptable for young kids when the registration papers are not available. Copy of the vet client relationship form, health papers and books are required for check in.
3. If animals are leased, lease forms must accompany registration papers and must be signed by the owner.
4. All 4-H and FFA record books, health papers, and registration/lease papers must be checked prior to show (No Exceptions).
5. All animals must be in the exhibitors possession by May 1 of the current year with the exception of the unborn kids.
6. No more than two (2) entries per class per exhibitor.
7. All age group classes in the breed show are determined by the day of the show.
8. Goats registered as more than one breed may only show in one breed division (ex. experimental, 50% one and 50% another may show in one breed or as an experimental not all or both)..
9. Billie kids can only be show in class 1 designated for billie kids.
10. Goats register as 50% or 75% American breed can be shown in the breed class only if it conforms to breed standard.
11. No wethers are accepted in breed goat classes, with the exception of the driving trail and costume class only.
12. No animals are permitted to be housed on the Fair grounds that are not entered for the show.
13. Proper show attire is required (all white for dairy & pygmy, white shirt & black pants for Boer, 4-H, FFA or Fair shirts acceptable no open toed or heel-less shoes.
14. All exhibitors or representative need to be at the show area no later than fifteen (15) minutes before the show is scheduled to start in the case changes are made.
15. All animals must have registration papers, applications or a pedigree (accepted for pygmy and Boer only)
16. If there are any complaints, comments, concerns, please contact Spring Truax-Whisel, barn superintendent. No actions are to be taken personally, address all concerns to Spring.
17. There are to be no conflicts in the public view.
18. No personally owned milk stands are permitted in the barn area.
19. There is a limit of 20 total animals allowed to be entered per exhibitor.
20. Breed Division I - Other registered dairy breed is designated for dairy breeds not already listed.
21. All animals are to be checked in and housed by 12 noon on Sunday.
22. All animals must remain on the grounds until 2:00 pm on Saturday or premium checks will be forfeited!
No goats with open, seeping or fresh horn buds are permitted to be at the Fair.



Department 10 - Section 06A - Jr Breed Goats

Show - Monday - 9 a.m.
CLASS...$6 $4 $3 $2 $2 $1
01 Billie Kid, 1-3 months
02 Doe Kid, 1-3 months
03 Doe Kid, 4-6 months
04 Doe Kid, 7 months to 1 Yr.
05 Doe, 1 Yr. under 2 Yrs. Not in milk
Junior Champion … Rosette only
Reserve Junior Champion ... Rosette only

06 Doe, 1 Yr. under 2 Yrs. In milk
07 Doe, 2 Yrs. under 3 Yrs. In milk
08 Doe, 3 Yrs. under 5 Yrs. in milk
09 Doe, 5 Yrs. & over in milk
10 Doe 3 Yrs. & Under dry doe
11 Doe 4 Yrs. & Over dry doe
12 Aged doe (any doe over 7 Yrs. Old must have freshened)
Senior Champion … Rosette only
Reserve Senior Champion … Rosette only

13 Daughter/Dam
14 Get of Sire (any 2 females out of the same sire)
15 Produce of Dam (any 2 females out of the same dam)
16 Jr. Best Three Females (2 Yrs. & Under not yet have freshened)
17 Sr. Best Three Females (1 Yr. & over must have freshened)
18 Best Udder
19 Bred & Owned by (must have papers to confirm)
20 Family Tree (3 generation of 1 family, 1 breed)
21 Obstacle Trail (5 or more obstacles arranged in a pattern)
22 Free Driving (in cart, ground driven, single or double)
23 Costume Class
Rules for costume class are:
1. Entries are to be made under 4-H or FFA exhibitors only but are not limited to their participation.
2. Only one entry per exhibitor
3. Categories for the costume class are: Funniest, Cutest, Most Patriotic, Most Original, Themed & Best in Show.
4. Open to exhibitors only but is not limited to their participation.
Future Sire ( all breeds) Champion and Reserve Champion are Rosettes only.
Supreme Champion and Reserve Supreme Champion - Rosettes only

Department 10 - Section 06B - Jr Breed Goat Fitting & Showmanship

Show - Monday
1. Entries in classes 01, 02, 09 and 10 may show any animal shown by an exhibitor in the breed show.
2. Each person in classes 3-6 and 11-14 will be paid $4.
3. Classes 8 & 16 are for 4-H & FFA members only, participating in the breed goat show.
4. Exhibitors may sign up for only one fitting and showman class.
5. Fitting and Showman classes will be held after the conclusion of the breed show.
6. Showmanship and Grooming will follow after age group classes are completed.
Trophies: 1st Year Showman and 1st Year Fitter; Jr. Showman and Jr. Fitter; Int. Showman and Int. Fitter; Sr. Showman and Sr. Fitter; Supreme Champion, Master Showman, Master Fitter, Reserve Supreme Champion; Best Dairy Doe in Show
CLASS: $4 (only classes 03-06 and 11-14)
01 Pee Wee Showman (4 years old and under)
02 Kiddie Showman (5 to 8 years of age)
03 First Year Showman
04 Jr. Showman (8-11)
05 Intermediate Showman (12-14)
06 Sr. Showman (15-over)
07 Alumni Showman (non 4-H or FFA member)
08 Master Showman (all 1st place Showman winners)

09 Peewee (4 years old and younger)
10 Kiddie (5 years to 8 years)
11 First Year Fitting
12 Jr. Fitting (8-11 years)
13 Intermediate Fitting (12-14 years)
14 Sr. Fitting (15 years and over)
15 Alumni Fitting (non 4-H or FFA member)
16 Master Fitting (all 1st place Fitting winners)

Department 10 - Section 06C - Goat Photo Contest

1. Photos must be 8 x 10 or smaller.

2. Limit to two (2) entries per exhibitor.
3. Do not frame the photos they will be laminated upon receiving them.
4. Entries are due to Spring Truax-Whisel by Friday July 18, 2025 at 118 West 6th Ave., Everett, PA 15537.
5. Categories for the contest are: funniest, cutest, most unusual, most scenic, most creative camera use, most creative photo, best portrait of a goat, and best background.
6. All entries are to be taken by and entered by 4-H or FFA members only.
7. Exhibitor name, age, club & address are to be on the back of all entries.
8. DO NOT remove photos from display!
9. All entries are to be picked up on Saturday at the end of the Fair in the Jr. Exhibit building.

Good Housekeeping

Weekly prizes: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10
1. Exhibitors who maintain the most attractive and sanitary exhibit of goats and equipment. Groups include 4-H and FFA exhibitors housing their animals in the Jr. Dairy Barn.
2. Groups will be scored on the following basis:
30 points - Cleanliness of animals and bedding
20 points - Entry cards and ribbons properly displayed
10 points - Keeping grain and hay feed presentable
10 points - Keeping all equipment sanitary and neat
15 points - Keeping aisles clean
15 points - Courtesy to people
3. Inspection will be made daily and unannounced.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

C Beegle Family Farm & Trucking
Deep Well Farm
Hand in Hand Consulting, Inc.
In Loving Memory of Bill Cessna
Loggy Acres Livestock
Millers Quality Recycling, Inc.
Pen-Mar Recycling
Wills Mountain 4-H Club

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