1. Photos must be 8 x 10 or smaller.
2. Limit to two (2) entries per exhibitor.
3. Do not frame the photos they will be laminated upon receiving them.
4. Entries are due to Spring Truax-Whisel by Friday July 18, 2025 at 118 West 6th Ave., Everett, PA 15537.
5. Categories for the contest are: funniest, cutest, most unusual, most scenic, most creative camera use, most creative photo, best portrait of a goat, and best background.
6. All entries are to be taken by and entered by 4-H or FFA members only.
7. Exhibitor name, age, club & address are to be on the back of all entries.
8. DO NOT remove photos from display!
9. All entries are to be picked up on Saturday at the end of the Fair in the Jr. Exhibit building.