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Department 10 - 4-H & Vocational - Junior Sheep

Superintendent: Rodney Fisher (814-623-7778)
Committee: Sharon Weaver, Emily Clark, Sam Adams, Kevin Lohr, Mike Beutman and Kyler Myers

Check animal health rules Section 6.
1. Registration papers, showing animals owned by the Exhibitor are necessary for all animals.
2. Project books must be checked before breeding sheep can be shown.
3. All breeding animals must be shown to the judge in the show ring.
4. Junior breeding classes will immediately follow showmanship judging Tuesday morning. The show order for the open sheep will be followed. The Junior Show will be combined with the Open Show.
5. Registrations papers and health papers will be checked before unloading.
6. All sheep must be brought to the Fairgrounds Saturday between 7:00 am - 10:00 am and 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.




Department 10 - Section 04A - Jr Breeding Sheep

Show - Tuesday - 9 a.m.
CLASS...$10 $8 $7 $6 $5 $4
01 Ram 1 Yr. & Under 2
02 Ram Under 1 Yr.
Champion Ram & Reserve Champion Ram - Rosettes
03 Ewe 1 Yr. & Under 2
04 Ewe Lamb Under 1 Yr.
Champion Ewe & Reserve Champion Ewe - Rosettes

05 Pair Ram Lambs, any age, either sex (for breeding) 1 entry per exhibitor
06 Jr. Flock (1 ram, 1 ewe lamb and 1 yearling ewe) all owned by exhibitor, 1 entry per exhibitor.

Department 10 - Section 04B - Jr Market Lambs

Show - Tuesday - 6:30 p.m.
Check animal health rules (Sheep & Goats Section 6).
1. There will be individual market lamb classes divided by weight in as nearly twelve equal groups as possible with a minimum weight of 85 pounds, and a limit of 2 entries per exhibitor.
2. Lambs must be ewes or wethers. No ram lambs will be permitted.
3. Lambs will be weighted upon arrival Saturday for both class breakdown and the sale.
4. All market lambs must be on feed as a 4-H or FFA project by May 1st.
5. All project books must be completed to date and will be collected by the sheep committee and/or Extension Agent at scales before market lambs are weighed in.
6. Market lamb judging will be held on Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m.
7. All market lambs must have a tag in their ear to be eligible for the 2025 market lamb show at the Fair. All tagging will be done on the first Saturday in May at the Fairgrounds between 8:00 a.m. and 12 noon. There will be a $10 charge per tag. An additional $10 will be charged per tag for re-tagging of animals. (Tagging will be done according to the guidelines issues by Extension Office.) Any lamb with a scrapie tag bearing the word “meat” will not be tagged. These animals were designated for slaughter through a sale barn and are not eligible for show.
8. Market lambs will be weighed only once for classes.
9. Blood samples from the Champion and Reserve Champion market lambs from each weight division will be drawn for drug testing immediately following the type show in the sheep barn.
10. The top two lambs in classes 1-12 will be sold in the sale. In addition, each market lamb member who does not have a lamb in the top 24 will sell his or her highest placing lamb. If an exhibitor has two lambs placing the same in two different classes, they must notify Rodney Fisher by 10 pm on the day of the show, as to which lamb they want to sell. If Rodney is not notified, the heaviest lamb will be entered into the sale.
11. All market lambs must be slick sheared within 48 hours prior to the market lamb show.
12. All market lambs must have certified scrapie tags to be shown.
13. Market lambs to be in the sale must be paint-numbered immediately following the market lamb show.
14. If any tags needed replaced due to loss or infection, Rodney Fisher (814-623-7778) is to be contacted, and re-tagging will be done.
15. Health papers will be checked before unloading.
16. Market lambs will be accepted for unloading, checked-in, and weighed-in on Saturday between 7:00 am - 10 am and 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
17. All sheep exhibitors must clean their pen after the Fair. Bedding is to be put in the designated area. If you do not clean your pen thoroughly, a fee of $25 will be billed to the exhibitor.
18. All market lambs must be shown by exhibitor.
CLASS: $10 $8 $7 $6 $5 $4
00 Jr. Market Lamb Entries
(Market Lambs will be placed into groups below after weigh-ins)

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Champion & Reserve Light Weight Champions - Rosettes
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Champion & Reserve Middle Weight Champions - Rosettes
Group 9
Group 10
Group 11
Group 12
Champion & Reserve Heavy Weight Champions - Rosettes
Grand & Reserve Grand Champions - Banner & Rosettes

Department 10 - Section 04C - Jr Sheep Showmanship

Show - Tuesday 9 a.m.
CLASS: $8.00 to each person who qualifies.
01 - Ages 8-9
02 - Ages 10-11
03 - Ages 12-13
04 - Ages 14-15
05 - Ages 16-17
06 - Ages 18 & over

Department 10 - Section 04D - Jr Carcass Lamb

Superintendent: Scott Myers (814-285-1693); Committee: Rodney Fisher, Kevin Lohr & Mike Jones

1. Lamb must have been tagged on the first Saturday in May from 8 am-noon at the Fairgrounds with an approved tag.
2. The judge will select 12 lambs from the entries in the carcass show to be slaughtered and judged "on the rail". They may be either ewes or wethers born after Jan. 1, 2025 and weighing over 85 lbs. Only one entry per exhibitor.
3. Ownership and feeding period of the animals is the same as in the market classes.
4. The Champion, Reserve Champion and 3rd Place Overall of "on the rail" will be included and sold in the Junior Livestock Sale on Saturday. All others carcass show entries must be sold privately by the exhibitors.
5. A slaughter fee of $55 for lambs must be paid by the buyers.
6. Carcass lambs will be weighed on Tuesday from 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. After the 12 carcass lambs have been selected on Tuesday morning, they will be taken to Locker Plant LLC for slaughter and judging "on the rail" Thursday.
7. Carcass lambs may not be used in Lamb Showmanship. Lambs must be placed on the trailer at the conclusion of the Carcass Show for slaughter purposes. No exceptions.
8. All owners of carcass animals not in sale should report cutting information to Locker Plant, LLC promptly in person or by phone (814-652-2714).

CLASS: $24 $23 $22 $20 $18 $16 $14 $12 $10 $8 $6 $6
01 Lamb Carcass
Champion, Reserve Champion, 3rd Place Carcasses - Banners

Thank you to our sponsors

Grand Champion Banners for Buyer and Exhibitor sponsored by Scott & Leslie Myers and HearthGlow Stock Farm
Reserve Champion Banners for Buyer and Exhibitor sponsored by Bedford Farm Bureau and Kaytee & Devin Tew and Family
Champion Showman (8-9) sponsored by Adams Family Farm
Champion Showman (10-11 yrs.) sponsored by Morral Farm Supply
Champion Showman (12-13 yrs.) sponsored by Ada Mae Myers in Memory of Bill Myers
Champion Showman (14-15) sponsored by Vaughn & Teresa Myers
Champion Showman (16-17) sponsored by Maple Hollow Dorsets
Champion Showman (18 and over) sponsored by Paul & Hedy Shaffer
Reserve Champion Showman (8-9) sponsored by ML Club Lambs
Reserve Champion Showman (10-11 yrs.) sponsored by Adams Family Farm
Reserve Champion Showman (12-13 yrs.) sponsored by Myers Livestock
Reserve Champion Showman (14-15) sponsored by Bob Dull Family
Reserve Champion Showman (16-17) sponsored by HB Livestock - Heidi Barkley
Reserve Champion Showman (18 and over) sponsored by Ken Cox Family
Master Showman (Six (6) Champion Showman from each group will compete for Master Showman) Banner sponsored by Rodney & Michele Fisher
Champion Carcass Banners for Buyer & Exhibitor sponsored by Rodney Fisher Family and The Locker Plant, LLC
Reserve Champion Carcass Banners for Buyer & Exhibitor sponsored by Echo Springs Farm and May Family Enterprise
3rd Place Carcass Banners for Buyer & Exhibitor sponsored by John & Becky Sloas and May Family Enterprise
The Bedford County Fair and its officers, reserve the right to randomly drug test any livestock exhibited at the Bedford County Fair. Non-approved pharmaceuticals are 100% prohibited! This includes substances not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for slaughter animals that may be destined for human consumption. This includes the use of all products that are not FDA approved including but not limited to any unapproved growth stimulant, beta-agonists, diuretics, or other unapproved medication meant for human usage that are intended for performance enhancing purposes. All utilized pharmaceuticals should be in compliance with Pennsylvania standards, USDA, and/or USDA/Food Safety/safety standards.
If any substance found in the obtained sample is non-approved, then the individual exhibitor will be subject to the following penalties:
(A) Disqualified from exhibiting at the Bedford County Fair for one year.
(B) Any & all money will be forfeited.
(C) All awards (banners, buckles, etc.) must be returned to the Department Committee immediately regardless of situation or will be billed at the Committee's discretion.
(D) Will be responsible to pay all fees for the blood test results.
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