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Department 10 - 4-H & Vocational - Junior Swine

Superintendent: Wayne Felix (814-977-1577 /
Committee: Rusty Styer, Ronnie Hedrick, Trent Lohr and Chris Bush

1. Members must be enrolled in a Bedford County 4-H club or FFA chapter
2. Projects must be on feed as a 4-H or FFA project by May 1.
3. All hogs must have a tag in their ear, including a 840 RFID tag, to be eligible for the 2024 show at the Fair. Hogs must be tagged at the fairgrounds with an official Bedford Co Fair tag on the first Saturday of May on the fairground Midway between 8:00 am and 12:00 noon. There will be a $10 charge per tag. A maximum of 4 pigs per exhibitor can be tagged. An additional $10 will be charged per tag for re-tagging of animals.
4. All pigs will be weighed in on Saturday, July 20, from 7-11 a.m. NO EXCEPTIONS! Pigs must weigh between 230-280 Ibs. Health papers (CVI) must be checked before unloading at designated areas. Health Papers must be issued within 30 days of weigh-ins.
4a. All Light and Heavy Hogs exhibitors will now have the option to choose whether to leave their hogs at the fair for showmanship purposes only. (An exhibitor cannot participate in showmanship without a pig on the grounds, NO borrowing of pigs.) It is crucial to understand that the hogs can solely be utilized for showmanship and must be sent to slaughter afterward, or they can return home during the weigh-in. Subsequently, it will then become the exhibitor's responsibility to contact the butcher shop to make further arrangements for processing the hog.
4b. All light and heavy hogs if taken home on July 20th from weigh in can return on Wednesday July 24th to weigh-in for the Carcass show if they have signed up for the Carcass entry on their fair entry form. Note: if they weigh out upon this attempt, they will not be able to keep for the market showmanship show.
5. All health papers and completed (up to date) 4-H and FFA record books must be presented at weigh-ins for these animals to be weighed.
5a. Original copies of the hog’s health papers WILL be needed and will be kept by the swine committee and then turned into the fair office. We will not accept electronic copies.
6. NO CARCASS HOGS are allowed to be on the Fairgrounds prior to Wednesday morning's weigh-in. (This rule will be strictly enforced).
7. Swine Showmanship will take place on Wednesday at 6:00 pm. All showmen must sign up on entry form to be eligible to show. Classes will be divided into 4 age divisions and split into "heats" divided as evenly as possible, not exceeding more than 15 showmen. Top 5 showmen in each division will receive a banner. Pee-Wee followed by (Age as of Jan1.) Div. 1 - (18-21) Div.2 - (15-17) Div. 3 - (12-14) Div. 4 - (8-11).
8. Jr. Market Swine Judging will take place on Thursday at 6:00 pm. There will be 15 classes (3 divisions) divided by weight, regardless of breed, to as nearly as possible having equal numbers of individual pigs shown in each class. Pigs weighing less than 230 lbs. or more than 280 lbs. are not eligible to compete. Top 3 pigs in each division along with top 3 pigs overall will receive banners.
9. An exhibitor may enter and show not more than 2 market hogs.
10. There shall be "NO SWITCHING OF PENS" once pen assignments are done unless permission is given by the Swine committee superintendent first!
11. "NO DIVIDERS" shall be removed from the pens in the hog barn. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
12. Any person or persons caught purposely damaging or harming any part of the barn, exhibitor's animals or tack, will result in disciplinary actions. It is crucial to maintain a safe and secure environment for both the animals and the facility. NOTE: Cameras will be in use.
13. Exhibitors are required to consult one of the swine committee members and a vet before any action is taken concerning a hog with any health problems.
14. Any and all animals entered and shown at the Bedford Co Fair are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. If an animal tests positive for a non-approved substance, i.e. performance enhancing or non-approved for food producing animals, the exhibitor will be held accountable no matter the circumstances, date of purchase, or date of taking possession of the animal. The top 3 market animals will immediately be taken to the designated drug testing area for a sample once the grand drive has ended. The official veterinarian will release the exhibitor and animal once testing is deemed complete. The Swine Committee also reserves the right to randomly drug test any livestock exhibited at the Bedford CO Fair. Non-approved pharmaceuticals are 100% prohibited! This includes substances not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for slaughter animals that may be destined for human consumption. This includes the use of all products that are not FDA approved including but not limited to any unapproved growth stimulant, beta-agonists, diuretics, or other unapproved medication meant for human usage that are intended for performance enhancing purposes. All utilized pharmaceuticals should be in compliance with Pennsylvania standards, USDA, and/or USDA/Food Safety/safety standards.
If any substance found in the obtained sample is non-approved, then the individual exhibitor will be subject to the following penalties:
(A) Disqualified from exhibiting at the Bedford Co Fair for one year.
(B) Any & all money will be forfeited.
(C) All awards (banners, buckles, etc.) must be returned to the Swine Committee immediately regardless of situation and will be billed for the awards at the Swine Committees discretion.
(D) Will be responsible to pay all fees for the blood test results.
African swine fever (ASF) is a very serious disease that has been affecting many countries across Asia (including China), parts of Europe and Africa. ASF affects all ages and types of pigs, but does not affect people. ASF is spread through direct contact with infected pigs, contaminated feed, and through fomites (non-living objects) such as shoes, clothing, vehicles and equipment. ASF can also be spread by feeding food scraps that contain meat from countries currently affected with ASF. Pigs infected with ASF have a very high fever, are weak, off feed, have diarrhea, vomit, have red blotches on their skin and have difficulty breathing. There is no cure for the disease and there is no vaccine to protect pigs from getting the disease. The disease is highly contagious.

ASF is NOT present in the United States, but the United States Department of Agriculture’s Bureau is Animal Health is instituting more strict exhibition requirements as a precautionary measure. This will impact the market swine shows at the Bedford County Fair this year. Beginning January 1, 2020, swine exhibits in Pennsylvania must follow these requirements:
• All swine must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) issued within 14 days of the fair.
• All swine must be permanently identified with an official ear tag and an RFID tag, and the numbers must be recorded on the CVI.
• Must be visually inspected for any signs of disease by an authorized Bedford Fair Committee member immediately prior to unloading at the fair.
• ALL market swine exhibited at the fair MUST be sent directly to slaughter following the exhibition.
If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact either Melanie Barkley or Dwayne Hay at the Penn State Extension Office in Bedford County or your certified swine monitor.

Department 10 - Section 05A - Jr Market Swine

Show - Thursday - 6 p.m.
Check animal health rules Sections 19 & 20.

CLASS: $10 $8 $7 $6 $5 $4 $4 $4
00 Market Swine Entries
(Market Swine will be placed into groups below after weigh-ins)
Market Swine Group 1
Market Swine Group 2
Market Swine Group 3
Market Swine Group 4
Market Swine Group 5
Champion Light Weight, Reserve Champion Lightweight - Rosettes
Market Swine Group 6
Market Swine Group 7
Market Swine Group 8
Market Swine Group 9
Market Swine Group 10
Champion Middle Weight, Reserve Champion Middle Weight - Rosettes
Market Swine Group 11
Market Swine Group 12
Market Swine Group 13
Market Swine Group 14
Market Swine Group 15
Champion Heavy Weight, Reserve Champion Heavy Weight - Rosettes
Champion Market Hog, Reserve Champion Market Hog & Overall Third Place Hog - Rosettes and Banners

Department 10 - Section 05B - Swine Fitting and Showmanship

Show - Wednesday - 6 p.m.
RULES: Clipping and/or fitting may be done at home or at the Fair.
Swine Showmanship will take place Wednesday at 6:00 pm. All showmen must enter online to be eligible to show. Classes will be divided into 4 age divisions and split into "heats" divided as evenly as possible, not exceeding more than 15 showmen. Top 3 showmen in each division will receive a banner. Pee-Wee followed by (Age as of Jan 1.) Div. 1 - (18-21) Div. 2 - (15-17) Div. 3 - (12-14) Div. 4 - (8-11).
CLASS: $8 will be given to each person who qualifies
01 Division 4- Ages 8-11
02 Division 3- Ages 12-14
03 Division 2- Ages 15-17
04 Division 1- Ages 18-21
Top 3 showmen in each division will receive a banner.
All Champion Showman winners will compete for the title of Master Swine Showman
Master Swine Showmans will compete in Supreme Showmanship on Friday.

Department 10 - Section 05C - Jr Carcass Hog

Superintendent: Scott Myers (814-285-1693); Committee: Rodney Fisher, Kevin Lohr & Mike Jones

1. The judge will select 12 hogs from the entries in the carcass show to be slaughtered and judged "on the rail". They may be either gilts or barrows weighing between 240 and 300 lbs. and have a minimum of 5/10 of backfat or the carcass will be disqualified. Hogs must have been tagged on the first Saturday in May from 8am-noon at the fairgrounds with an approved tag. Only one entry per exhibitor.
2. Housing for these hogs will not be provided. Hogs to arrive Wednesday morning, weighed from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. for the carcass class at 8:30 a.m., then trucked to Locker Plant, LLC. for slaughter and "on the rail" judging on Thursday.
3. The Champion, Reserve Champion and 3rd Place Overall of "on the rail" will be included and sold in the Junior Livestock Sale on Saturday. All other carcass show entries must be sold privately by the exhibitors.
4. A slaughter fee of $55 for hogs must be paid by the buyers.
5. Prizes for carcass hogs are the same as for lambs above.
6. Carcass hog classes, in order of light to heavy weights, will enter the ring and be sorted by the judge. The judge will select the top twelve (12) to be sent to the Locker Plant, LLC. for on rail judging.
7. All owners of carcass animals not in sale should report cutting information to Locker Plant, LLC. promptly in person or by phone (814-652-2714).

CLASS: $24 $23 $22 $20 $18 $16 $14 $12 $10 $8 $6 $6
01 Hog Carcass
Champion, Reserve Champion, 3rd Place Carcasses - Banners

Good Housekeeping

Weekly prizes: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10
1. Group of Junior exhibitors and open show exhibitors who maintain the most attractive and sanitary exhibit of swine and equipment. Junior group includes both 4-H clubs and FFA chapters housing their animals in a group in the Junior Swine Barn. Must have 3 club members exhibiting animals in the group to qualify and housed in one area. Open exhibitors should have at least 5 animals.
2. Groups will be scored on the following basis:
30 points - Cleanliness of animals and bedding
20 points - Entry cards and ribbons properly displayed
10 points - Keeping grain and hay feed presentable
25 points - Keeping aisles clean
15 points - Courtesy to people
3. Inspection will be made daily and unannounced.

Market Hog Sale - Saturday

The top three (3) hogs from each weight class and one hog per individual who did not have a hog placing in the top 3 will be sold. All remaining market hogs will be sold in lots. Swine committee will have final decision in all matters. Any violations will result in forfeiture of premiums and the privilege of exhibiting at future Bedford Fair Market Hog Shows. No hogs that went through the sale will be loaded out until sale is completed. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Sale Details at:
The Bedford County Fair and its officers, reserve the right to randomly drug test any livestock exhibited at the Bedford County Fair. Non-approved pharmaceuticals are 100% prohibited! This includes substances not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for slaughter animals that may be destined for human consumption. This includes the use of all products that are not FDA approved including but not limited to any unapproved growth stimulant, beta-agonists, diuretics, or other unapproved medication meant for human usage that are intended for performance enhancing purposes. All utilized pharmaceuticals should be in compliance with Pennsylvania standards, USDA, and/or USDA/Food Safety/safety standards.
If any substance found in the obtained sample is non-approved, then the individual exhibitor will be subject to the following penalties:
(A) Disqualified from exhibiting at the Bedford County Fair for one year.
(B) Any & all money will be forfeited.
(C) All awards (banners, buckles, etc.) must be returned to the Department Committee immediately regardless of situation or will be billed at the Committee's discretion.
(D) Will be responsible to pay all fees for the blood test results.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors:
Wayne Felix Family
RZR Farmette Rick Foor Family
Bryan Imler Family
Geisel - Styer Funeral Directors
Chris Bush Family
Ronnie Hedrick Family
Trent Lohr Family
Aerial Communications
Waltower Enterprises
Imler Excavating
Guyer Brothers Inc.
Mid-State Seamless Gutter
Rick & Jeanne Defibaugh
Fort Piper Prints
Buckhorn Creek Logging
Jimmy Juice
Gold Sponsors:
Garrett Smith Welding
BNF Powerline Construction
Sollenberger Woodworking
Stein-Way Equipment
Pioneer Seeds- Rod, Kim & Zane Grimes

Sliver Sponsor:
Akers Funeral Homes Inc.
Champion Carcass Hog Banner for Buyer & Exhibitor sponsored by Taylor Auto Electric and Mike Jones Family
Reserve Champion Carcass Hog Banner for Buyer & Exhibitor sponsored by Don & Annette Boes and Big B's BBQ
3rd Place Carcass Hog Banner for Buyer & Exhibitor sponsored by John & Becky Sloas and Bedford County FFA
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