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Department 10 - 4-H & Vocational - Market Poultry

Superintendent: Craig Reasy; Committee: (Breed Poultry) Joe Nave, Sherri Nave, Cody Nave; (Market Poultry) Lois Yoder, Jonathan Yoder, Terri Reasy, and Echo Yoder

General Poultry Rules
1. Poultry showing is only open to 4-H and FFA members in good standing and carrying a poultry project. For showmanship classes, age is determined as of January 1 of the current year.
2. See meat bird special rules for ownership requirements.
3. All poultry must meet health requirements of the Bureau of Animal Industry, the Dept. of Ag, and the owner-endorsed health certificate must accompany the entry at check in. This certificate is available from your leader, ag advisor, or at link above.
4. All poultry entering an exhibition must bear an official PDA-issued leg band.
5. Exhibitors can enter their poultry and showmanship classes online at link above.
6. All poultry must be checked in on the fairgrounds by noon on Sunday the start of fair week. Exhibitors must be present to check in their birds for health inspection prior to caging any birds. Hands-on health checks will be done on Sunday from 10 am-noon. Exhibitors must have the required health certificate for health check and an owner endorsed health certificate.
7. No animals showing signs of contagious, infectious disease or external parasites will be admitted.
8. All pens must be kept clean throughout the week. If your cage is not kept clean, or project is not cared for properly, you may be barred from future exhibition. Water and feed bowls will be provided.
9. Record books must be up-to-date and checked prior to showing.
Health Requirements: See rules above and Health Rules (Poultry: Section 7)
1. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean Testing and Verification.
2. Tested Avian influenza Clean (a negative test within thirty (30) days of exhibition date).
3. Recommended vaccination for Laryngotracheitis.
As part of the PDA Poultry Exhibition Quarantine, only market poultry allowed at the Fair. NO market poultry or poultry products may be exhibited within an active HPAI Control Area or Surveillance Zone. These areas or zones can pop up when a flock tests positive for HPAI at any time. This means that market poultry exhibition can be canceled at a moment’s notice for an indefinite amount of time until the control area and/or surveillance zone is cleared. Please proceed with this in mind and have a plan ready should this occur. Please read all information. Also, the Fairs in Pa have elected not to allow eggs and feathers for exhibition (this includes feathers in crafts).

Market poultry ONLY – birds must move to a USDA or PA Dept. of Agriculture licensed slaughter facility after judging. This is an all-in, all-out procedure where NO birds may return home.
• Market poultry must be on and off the grounds within 72 hours, starting from when the first bird arrives until the last bird leaves. Birds may NOT stay on the grounds for the duration of the entire fair if they will be present longer than 72 hours.
• Exhibition of poultry shall require a PDA issued “Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement” (provided on the Department’s website). If a CVI is required for entry by the fair, an endorsement of biosecurity on the “Owner Endorsed Avian Health Certificate and Biosecurity Statement” shall also accompany the poultry.
• All birds must be monitored for signs of illness while on the grounds, however there is not a specific training for this like the Swine Health Monitor Training. Fairs are encouraged to refer to the Biosecurity Guidelines for Exhibition Managers.
• All birds must be behind barriers with signage to prevent public interaction with birds.
• All market poultry must be confirmed free of HPAI prior to entry to the exhibition. This requires a negative HPAI test on record within 14 days of the exhibition.
*Test samples must be collected by a Certified Poultry Technician or a Category II Accredited Veterinarian and processed at a National Animal Health Laboratory Network lab (this includes all 3 PADLS labs).
* Test results must accompany the poultry to the show.
* No new birds may be added to a clean tested flock prior to the show.
* Additional details on testing requirements can be found on pages 5-6 of the Quarantine Order and MUST be followed.
• NO market poultry or poultry products may be exhibited within an active HPAI Control
Area or Surveillance Zone. These areas or zones can pop up when a flock tests positive for HPAI at any time.
• This means that market poultry and poultry product exhibition can be canceled at a
moment’s notice for an indefinite amount of time until the control area and/or
surveillance zone is cleared. Please proceed with this in mind and have a plan ready should this occur.

Department 10 - Section 08A - Market Poultry

Monday - 9:00 a.m.

1. For the meat poultry classes, orders for birds will be taken in April and meat birds will be available around Memorial Day. Each exhibitor will raise the same variety of bird over the same period of time (approximately 8 weeks at time of show). There is no limit to the number of birds you can order.
2. Each exhibitor is limited to one (1) entry of two (2) meat birds, which will be judged as a pair.
3. Meat birds must weigh a minimum of 5 lbs. - no exceptions, there is no maximum weight. Each bird will only be weighed once at time of entry. Weigh-in will be on Sunday evening, the average weight of the pair will determine the class assignment.
4. Winners from each division will be judged for overall Grand and Reserve meat champion.
CLASS: $4 $3 $2 $1
00 Market Poultry
(Meat poultry will be placed into groups below after weigh-ins)

Market Poultry - Lightweight
Market Poultry - Middleweight
Market Poultry - Heavyweight
Grand Champion - rosette & $15, Reserve Grand Pair - rosette & $10

Department 10 - Section 08B - Poultry Showmanship

Monday after Meat Poultry show

1. Everyone participating in showmanship will receive $4 and a placing ribbon.
2. 4-H & FFA members must be showing in the Meat Poultry Show for eligibility in Showmanship classes.
3. Exhibitors will be judged on their ability to handle and examine poultry, the exhibitor's knowledge of poultry, appearance and actions. Knowledge tested will be age appropriate and consists of questions related to breeds, classes and standard care and management of poultry. An example score sheet can be found in the Scratching the Surface Level 1 4-H project book.
4. Showmanship will follow the meat poultry show on Monday.
5. Pee-Wee showmanship class sign-up is by 9 am on Monday of show day. Pee-Wee exhibitor must be accompanied by a poultry exhibitor.
01 Beginner (First Year), ages 8-10
02 Junior Showman, ages 11-13

03 Intermediate Showman, ages 14-16
04 Senior Showman, ages 17 & over

Department 10 - Section 08C - Youth Poultry Skillathon


1. This contest is for 4-H and FFA members carrying poultry projects this year.
2. Register at the poultry barn before the event.
3. Prizes awarded.
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