Sunday - 9 a.m.
Rabbits will be tattooed with the youth exhibitor’s private ear number upon arrival time on check in day if not already done. All rabbit meat pens must be weighed and entered by 11 a.m. Saturday, July 19, 2025. Judging will begin before the regular rabbit show on Sunday, July 20 at 9 am.
Drug free affidavits apply. Judges will eliminate any stock found to be diseased.
1. You may bring 4 rabbits per pen on check-in day. At this time, there are no limits on how many pens you can enter.
2. A meat pen consists of three rabbits of the same breed and variety (color) as recognized and accepted in the current edition of the ARBA Standards of Perfection. They may be up to 10 weeks old (70 days maximum) and must weigh a minimum of 3 1/2 lbs. and maximum of 5 1/2 lbs. individually.
3. You will choose three rabbits to present for competition who are most uniform in weight, show the best meat characteristics, and have no disqualifications as listed in the ARBA Standards of Perfection. If weight of meat pen does not meet requirements at weigh in, the entire exhibit will be sent home and will not be shown in the regular breed show.
4. Owner must notify a rabbit committee member their intent to enter a meat pen and start a compliance form before the doe is bred by April 1, 2025. Call 814-585-3345 or 814-494-8858. This form can be picked up at the 4H office, from project leader or committee member.
*Exhibitors who choose to breed should be do so April 10, 2025, or after.
*Litter should be born on May 10 or later.
5. Exhibitor must notify a rabbit committee member within three days after the doe’s kindling.
6. The compliance statement must be brought with the rabbits to the fairgrounds at check- in day.
7. Best of Show, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th place Meat pens will be sold at the Jr Livestock Sale. All rabbits selling in the sale must be sold for slaughter through the buy-back program.
8. Any youth exhibiting a junior rabbit meat pen must show her/his own pen of animals. In a case where the exhibitor is physically unable to attend the show due to ill health, family tragedy, or a pre- approved reason from superintendents another youth exhibitor must show the meat pen of rabbits.
Meat Pens will be weighed the day of check in and the day of judging. Meat pens must be taken care of during the Fair; rabbits fed, watered and pens cleaned!
CLASS: $15 $1000 Meat Rabbit Pen