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Department 10 - 4-H & Vocational - Junior Rabbits & Cavies

Rabbit & Cavy Co-Superintendents: Lita Jezeskie, (814-494-8858), Cheryl Jezeskie (814-585-3345); Committee: Tina Ewing and Tammy Reyan (814-735-2808)
Learning Center Co-Superintendents: Ron Ickes (814-494-1934), McKenzi Black (814-979-4449) Committee: Brenda Ickes, Sara Keller, and Alivia Brown

Rabbit Rules

1. The rabbit show is only open to 4-H and FFA members. Parents are not allowed to approach show table.
2. Enter online at link above.
3. Rabbits must be on the fairgrounds by Saturday at 2:00 pm. Check-ins will be from 10 am to 2 pm. Checkout will be July 26 at ***p.m.
4. Does that kindle at the Fair will be sent home. Please manage your breeding schedule to prevent this.
5. All cages must be cleaned daily by 10:30 a.m. This includes meat pens! At end of week, remove manure and bedding from cages before you leave. Only pine chips can be used, NO cedar. Exhibitors must provide their own shavings. Place manure on pile at horse barn. Do not place in trash cans!
6. Carriers need removed from the barn during fair. Aisles must be cleared and clean at all times.
7. No exhibitor may enter more than 12 rabbits. Only 2 per breed. (You can still have meat pens in the show.)
8. All animals must have a legible ear tattoo in the left ear. If no tattoo is present a number will be assigned and placed in the ear with a permanent marker.
9. Rabbits will be judged according to the latest Standard of Perfection as per the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Mixed Breeds will be judged as a commercial rabbit. Only 1 mixed breed allowed per exhibitor this year.
10. Exhibitors are responsible for getting their rabbits to the judging table as soon as the class is called. Rabbits will be called three (3) times, if not on the table after the final call, the class will be closed. No re-judging of a class is allowed.
11. No animals are allowed to leave the fairgrounds prior to Saturday. Deadline to pick up rabbits is 4 p.m.
12. NO SALES! No selling rabbits in the rabbit barn.
13. Footwear must be worn in barns at all time and modest clothing.
14. Exhibitors must provide water/food and containers to eat/drink from.
15. Substitutions can be made only in the same breed. Substitutions can be made at check-in until 2 pm.
16. Rabbits must be listed as a 4-H or FFA project BEFORE April 1st.
American Chinchilla
American Fuzzy Lop
American Sable
Argente Brun
Belgian Hare
Blanc de Hotot
Blue Holicer
Britannia Petite
Champagne d’Argent
Checkered Giant
Creme d’Argent
Czech Frosty
Dwarf Hotot
Dwarf Papillon
English Angora
English Lop
English Spot
Flemish Giant
Florida White
French Angora
French Lop
Giant Angora
Giant Chinchilla
Holland Lop
Jersey Wooly
Mini Lop
Mini Rex
Mini Satin
Netherland Dwarf
New Zealand
Satin Angora
Silver Fox
Silver Marten
Standard Chinchilla
Pet Class, for any rabbit that is not acceptable by ARBA in breed class.

Cavy Rules

Cavy Rules
1. Open to all 4-H and FFA members.
2. Limit to 4 cavies per Exhibitors (2 per pen) Cavy show will follow the rabbit show.
3. All Cavies must be on the fairgrounds by the Saturday 4:00 pm. Check-ins will be from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday. All animals entered must be of good health and will be inspected upon arrival. The Superintendent or a Committee Member must check in all animals before placing them into a cage. Any animal showing signs of a contagious disease must be removed from the Fair grounds and will be barred from the show.
4. Cavies must be listed as a 4-H or FFA project before April 1.
5. All animals must have a legible ear tag in the left ear. If no tag is present a number will be assigned and placed in the ear with a permanent marker.
6. All cages must be cleaned at least every other day by 10:30 AM. All pens must be cleaned out at the end of the Fair week. Manure and bedding must be bagged and placed by horse barns. Aisles are to be clean and clear at all times.
7. Cavies will be judged according to the latest Standard of Perfection as per the American Rabbit Cavy Breeders Association.
8. Exhibitors are responsible to have their animals to the judging table for the proper class.
9. No animals are allowed to leave the fairgrounds prior to Saturday 2:00 pm. Deadline to pick up cavies is 4 p.m.
10. Rabbit rules will apply to cavies. Cavy exhibitors must abide by all general rules for housing that the rabbit exhibitors observe.
11. You must bring your own feed dishes and water bottles.
12. Enter online at link above. Call Tammy Reyan at 814-735-2808 if you have questions.
13. No cedar chips in cavy pens due to respiratory problems.
Abyssinian Satin
American Satin
Peruvian Satin
Silkie Satin
Teddy Satin
White Crested
Pet Class, for any cavy that is not acceptable by ACBA in breed class.

Department 10 - Section 09A - Jr Rabbit Meat Pens

Sunday - 9 a.m.
Rabbits will be tattooed with the youth exhibitor’s private ear number upon arrival time on check in day if not already done. All rabbit meat pens must be weighed and entered by 11 a.m. Saturday, July 19, 2025. Judging will begin before the regular rabbit show on Sunday, July 20 at 9 am.
Drug free affidavits apply. Judges will eliminate any stock found to be diseased.

1. You may bring 4 rabbits per pen on check-in day. At this time, there are no limits on how many pens you can enter.
2. A meat pen consists of three rabbits of the same breed and variety (color) as recognized and accepted in the current edition of the ARBA Standards of Perfection. They may be up to 10 weeks old (70 days maximum) and must weigh a minimum of 3 1/2 lbs. and maximum of 5 1/2 lbs. individually.
3. You will choose three rabbits to present for competition who are most uniform in weight, show the best meat characteristics, and have no disqualifications as listed in the ARBA Standards of Perfection. If weight of meat pen does not meet requirements at weigh in, the entire exhibit will be sent home and will not be shown in the regular breed show.
4. Owner must notify a rabbit committee member their intent to enter a meat pen and start a compliance form before the doe is bred by April 1, 2025. Call 814-585-3345 or 814-494-8858. This form can be picked up at the 4H office, from project leader or committee member.
*Exhibitors who choose to breed should be do so April 10, 2025, or after.
*Litter should be born on May 10 or later.
5. Exhibitor must notify a rabbit committee member within three days after the doe’s kindling.
6. The compliance statement must be brought with the rabbits to the fairgrounds at check- in day.
7. Best of Show, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th place Meat pens will be sold at the Jr Livestock Sale. All rabbits selling in the sale must be sold for slaughter through the buy-back program.
8. Any youth exhibiting a junior rabbit meat pen must show her/his own pen of animals. In a case where the exhibitor is physically unable to attend the show due to ill health, family tragedy, or a pre- approved reason from superintendents another youth exhibitor must show the meat pen of rabbits.
9. Meat Pens will be weighed the day of check in and the day of judging. Meat pens must be taken care of during the Fair; rabbits fed, watered and pens cleaned!

CLASS: $15 $10
00 Meat Rabbit Pen

Department 10 - Section 09B - Jr Rabbits

Show - Sunday - After Meat Pen
Best in Show - banner/trophy, and $30
Reserve Best in Show - banner/trophy, and $25
3rd Overall in Rabbit Show - rosette
Best of Breed - ribbon
Best of Opposite Breed - ribbon
Best of Variety - (over 10 in a show) - ribbon
Best of Opposite Variety (over 10 in a show) - ribbon

Pee Wee Rabbit Show

Sunday after Cavy Show
Pee Wee exhibitor is limited to 1 rabbit in the show. Rabbits who placed in the top 5 in the Rabbit Show cannot be exhibited.
Pee Wee must be able to handle their exhibit. No parents may approach the judging table. Judging will be done by committee members.
Placings the day of Pee Wee Show may not be the same as the results of Sunday show. No harassment of judges will be tolerated. Best of Show and ribbons will be awarded. Sign-up for pee wee show will be accepted up until Sunday after the rabbit show.

Department 10 - Section 09C - Jr Cavy Breed Class

Show - Sunday after Rabbit Show
Mixed breeds are not allowed - except in Pet Class. Recognized breeds listed above. If not sure what breed you have, obtain a cavy breeds and variety list from your county 4-H Extension office to properly enter your cavy or call the show chairperson or visit
01 Junior Boars or Sows - 12oz to 22oz
02 Intermediate Boars or Sows - 23oz to 32oz
03 Senior Boars or Sows - over 32oz
Best of Variety - rosette
Best of Breed - rosette
Best in Show - rosette & bag of feed

Pee Wee Cavy Show

Cavies will be already entered in Sunday show by a another 4-H exhibitor. Pee Wee must be able to handle their exhibit. No parents may approach the judging table. Judging will be done by committee members. Placings the day of Pee Wee Show may not be the same as the results of Sunday show. No harassment of judges will be tolerated. Each pee wee exhibitor is limited to 1 cavy in the show. Best of Show and ribbons will be awarded.

Department 10 - Section 09D - Rabbit & Cavy Showmanship

1. Everyone participating in showmanship will receive $4.
2. Signups for Pee Wee show will be accepted on Sunday.
3. 4-H & FFA members must be showing in the Rabbit Show or Cavy Show to qualify to show in Showmanship competitions.
4. Exhibitor must do showmanship with a rabbit or cavy that is entered in the show.
5. Animals must be clean, and toenails clipped.
6. Skillathon adds points to final score.
7. All ages as of January 1st of the current year.
Rabbit Showmanship - Monday - 10:00 a.m.
01 RABBIT, First Year Showman Ages 8 & under
02 RABBIT, Junior Showman Ages 9-11
03 RABBIT, Intermediate Showman Ages 12-14
04 RABBIT, Senior Showman Ages 15 & over
Each participant will receive a showmanship ribbon and ribbons will be awarded for places.
Master Showman ... Trophy and $10
Reserve Master Showman ... Trophy and $5

Cavy Showmanship - Monday - 11:00 a.m.

05 CAVY, Novice (first year in showmanship regardless of age
06 CAVY, Junior Showman Ages 8-10
07 CAVY, Intermediate Showman Ages 11-13
08 CAVY, Senior Showman Ages 14-18
Champions in classes 05, 06 & 07 ... rosettes
Champions in class 08 ... rosette and bag of feed

Department 10 - Section 09E - Rabbit & Cavy Photo Contest

All photos will be judged on Sunday and winners announced at 4:00 p.m.
1. This is only open to exhibitors that carry a rabbit/cavy as a 4-H or FFA project this year.
2. This is a way to display your creative skills with a camera. No costumes on rabbits or cavies.
3. Pictures must be in color. No black and white photos accepted.
4. All photos must be placed in a picture frame with glass.
5. Stickers will be provided to place your name, age and club information on the back in the lower right-hand corner. Do not place your name on the front anywhere.
6. Your picture should be 5" x 7". Nothing LARGER will be accepted.
7. If showing rabbits and cavies, you may enter photos for both. (1 per project)
8. All entries must be submitted to a committee member by noon on Sunday at the rabbit barn.
01 RABBIT PHOTO, Junior Ages 8-10
02 RABBIT PHOTO, Junior Intermediate Ages 11-13
03 RABBIT PHOTO, Senior Intermediate Ages 14-16
04 RABBIT PHOTO, Senior Ages 17 & over
05 CAVY PHOTO, Junior Ages 8-10
06 CAVY PHOTO, Junior Intermediate Ages 11-13
07 CAVY PHOTO, Senior Intermediate Ages 14-16
08 CAVY PHOTO, Senior Ages 17 & over

Department 10 - Section 09F - Rabbit & Cavy Poster Contest

All photos will be judged on Sunday and winners announced at 4:00 p.m.
1. This is only open to exhibitors that carry a rabbit/cavy as a 4-H or FFA project this year.
2. This will be a visual display of Rabbit/Cavy Knowledge.
3. These will be judged on neatness, overall presentation and information.
4. You must place your name, age and club information on the back in the lower right-hand corner. Do not place your name on the front anywhere.
5. The size will be limited to 22" x 28" (the standard poster board size).
6. If showing rabbits and cavies, you may enter posters for both. (1 per project)
7. All entries must be submitted to a committee member by noon on Sunday at the rabbit barn.
8. Computer designed posters will be judged separately from hand drawn art.
01 RABBIT POSTER, Junior Ages 8-10
02 RABBIT POSTER, Junior Intermediate Ages 11-13
03 RABBIT POSTER, Senior Intermediate Ages 14-16
04 RABBIT POSTER, Senior Ages 17 & over
05 CAVY POSTER, Junior Ages 8-10
06 CAVY POSTER, Junior Intermediate Ages 11-13
07 CAVY POSTER, Senior Intermediate Ages 14-16
08 CAVY POSTER, Senior Ages 17 & over

Department 10 - Section 09G - Rabbit & Cavy Agility Contests

Wednesday - 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
1. Only open to exhibitors that carry a rabbit/cavy as a 4-H or FFA project this year.
2. This will be a visual display of rabbit/cavy maneuver ability.
3. These will be judged on control, overall presentation, and speed through the course.
4. You must always have your rabbit/cavy under control.
5. the rabbit and handler are a team. Safety for rabbit/cavy is a priority.
6. Rabbits must be at least 4 months old to participate.
7. Handlers must be responsible, and no harm must come to the animal. Judge has the right to pull from competition at any time.
8. Handler may use hand or vocal commands - NO pulling through course.
9. Use of a H harness, 4-to-6-foot leash, and control at all times.
10. Clean up after your own rabbit.
11. The judge will allow 3 tries before telling you to go over the obstacle.
12. Scoring determined by number of completed tricks and speed.

Straight Course Line:
6-10 jumps with 6 faults allowed - Maximum time 3 minutes

Best in Agility Show - Trophy and $10
Reserve Best in Agility Show - Trophy and $5

Department 10 - Section 09H - Rabbit & Cavy Costume Contests

Wednesday - 1 p.m.
1. No costume can constrict or harm the animal.
2. Exhibitor must be present during the entire event.
3. Judge's decisions are final.
4. Costumes will be judged on originality, design, creativity, behavior, charisma and humor.
5. No dyes can be used on animal. It is highly recommended NOT to purchase your animal's outfit.

Ribbons only
01 COSTUME, Rabbit
02 COSTUME, Cavy
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