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Department 02 - Open Dairy Cattle

Superintendent: Wayne Koontz (814-847-2853), Asst.: Bob Stanton (814-285-1083), Committee (Open & Junior): Bernita Gable, Lori Sollenberger, Amy Gable, Wayne Cessna, Dana Cessna, Beth Clark, Kim Arnold, Angelique Walason, Tanner Walason, Morgan Knepp, Kenny Stanton, and Dwayne Hay

1. See animal health rules (Cattle Section 2).
2. In classes 08, 19, 24, 25 and 26 registration papers are to be presented to a committee member prior to entry of the show ring.
3. In classes 08 & 24 (Best 3 females) must have same breeder with two (2) owned by exhibitor.
4. In class 25 (Exhibitors' Herd) consists to two cows, two heifers and one choice, with three being bred and owned by the exhibitor.
5. All showmen must wear cards or halters with entry numbers in the show ring.
6. No registration papers pending or photocopies accepted. Genetic recovery rules will follow the rules of the respective breed associations for national shows.
7. Exhibitor must complete dairy catalog information form and return to the Fair office.
8. Show order to be announced.
9. Thursday - Open Show, all breeds.
10. Milking cows will be allowed to arrive on Monday and leave on Friday of fair week: except the Supreme Champion and all Open Breed Grand Champions must remain until regular release time.
11. All cows must be identified and registered for milking and milk all week at the parlor.
12. Switching classes is not recommended and the show bookkeeper should be notified of any changes during check-in on Monday.


Department 02 - Section 01 - Open Dairy

Show - Thursday 9 a.m.
CLASS...$15 $13 $12 $11 $10
01 Spring Calf (3/1/25 - 5/31/25)
02 Winter Calf (12/1/24 - 2/28/25)
03 Fall Calf (9/1/24 - 11/30/24)
CLASS...$23 $21 $19 $17 $15
04 Summer Yearling (6/1/24 - 8/31/24)
05 Spring Yearling (3/1/24 - 5/31/24)
06 Winter Yearling (12/1/23- 2/28/24)
07 Fall Yearling (9/1/23 - 11/30/23)
08 Jr. Best Three Females
Jr. Champion...…Rosettes
CLASS...$35 $32 $29 $26 $23
09 Fall Yearling in Milk (Born 9/1/23 - 11/30/23)
10 Jr. 2 Year Old (3/1/23 - 8/31/23)
11 Sr. 2 Year Old (9/1/22 - 2/28/23)
12 Jr. 3 year old (3/1/22 - 8/31/22)
13 Sr. 3 year old (9/1/21 - 2/28/22)
14 4 year old (9/1/21 - 8/31/21)
15 5 year old (9/1/19 - 8/31/20)
16 6 years and over Born before September 1, 2018
20 Dry Cow 4 & under*
21 Dry Cow 5 & over*
Classes 9-16 must have calved.
* Dry cows must be dry or have had at least one natural calf, been milking at least 305 days, and be milked out at the show. A dry cow may be shown in the wet class, but not both classes.
Sr. Champion & Reserve Sr. Champion...Rosettes
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion...Rosettes

CLASS...$30 $27 $24 $21 $18
22 125,000 LB class
23 Best Udder Class
24 Sr. Best Three Females
25 Exhibitor's Herd
26 Daughter/Dam
27 Produce of Dam

Supreme Champion … Banner & $300 Cash
Reserve Supreme Champion ... Banner & $100

Good Housekeeping

Open show exhibitors should have at least five (5) animals housed in one area. Open show exhibitors will be judged on the following basis:
30 points - Cleanliness of animals and bedding
20 points - Entry cards and ribbons properly displayed
10 points - Keeping grain and hay feed presentable
15 points - Keeping aisles clean
15 points - Courtesy to people
Gift Certificate Awarded

Thank you to Our Sponsors

Supreme Champion Banner and $300 sponsored by Hines Equipment
Reserve Supreme Champion Banner and $100 sponsored by Singing Brook Farm
Supreme Champion Dairy Products Banner sponsored by Bedford County Dairy Committee
Good Housekeeping sponsored by Somerset Trust
Milking Parlor sponsored by Martin Oil Co.
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