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Department 04 - Breeding Sheep

Superintendent: Rodney Fisher (814-623-7778)
Committee: Sharon Weaver, Emily Clark, Sam Adams, Kevin Lohr, Mike Beutman and Kyler Myers

Check animal health rules (Sheep & Goats Sections 6).
1. Pen of lambs consists of two ram lambs and two ewe lambs.
2. Flock consists of one ram, any age; two ewes, one year and under two years; and two ewes under one year.
3. Breeder's young flock consists of ram lamb and two ewe lambs, a total of three, all bred and owned by exhibitor.
4. A Get of Sire shall consist of four breeding animals, any age, with both sexes represented, the get of one sire. Get need not be owned by the exhibitor.
5. Due to limited facilities and a high demand for space in previous years, sheep from Bedford County will receive priority for available space. Entries from outside the county area will be accepted if space exists after local sheep are entered and their pens assigned. Because of space available, sheep breeders will be limited to exhibiting no more than 30 sheep per farm, firm or family.
6. Show order to be: Cheviot, Dorset, Hampshire, Southdown, Montadale, Corriedale, Suffolk, Shetland, Oxfords, Dorper, and Tunis.
7. Registration papers and health papers will be checked before animals are unloaded.
8. All sheep must be brought to the Fairgrounds Saturday 7 am - 10 am and 6 pm - 8 pm.



Department 04 - Section 01 - Breeding Sheep

Show - Tuesday - 9 a.m.

CLASS...$10 $8 $7 $6 $5 $4

01 Ram 1 Yr. & Under 2
02 Ram, Lamb born after 1/1/25
03 Ram, Fall Lamb born 9/1/24 - 12/31/24
Champion Ram & Reserve Champion Ram … Ribbons
04 Pair Ram Lambs
05 Ewe, 1 Yr.& Under 2
06 Two Yearling Ewes
07 Ewe, Lamb born after 1/1/25
08 Ewe, Fall Lamb born 9/1/24 - 12/31/24
Champion Ewe & Reserve Champion Ewe … Ribbons
09 Two Ewe Lambs
10 Pen of Lambs
11 Breeder's Young Flock
12 Flock
13 Get of Sire

Thank you to Our Sponsors

Supreme Champion Ewe sponsored In Memory of Fred and Ruth Koontz
Supreme Champion Ram sponsored In Memory of Fred and Ruth Koontz
Supreme Champion Ewe and Ram Banners sponsored by Rainbow Acres Concessions
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