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Department 13 - Senior Vegetables

Superintendents: Richard Hyde, Kara Lynn and Lori Foor

1. See Exhibitor Rules and Policies, Department 11-24, specifically rule 905, 907, 909, 910 & 911.
2. These factors are generally used by an expert vegetable judge: Trueness to variety type with uniformity in size, shape, and color. Condition and maturity.
3. Potatoes should not be washed, remove soil using a soft cloth or brush.
4. Tomatoes should have stems removed.
5. Carrots, beets, etc. should have all but 2" of stems removed.
6. Entries with incorrect number of specimens displayed will not be judged.

Department 13 - Section 01 - Sr Vegetables

CLASS: $3 $2 $1
001 BEANS, Dry shelled, 1 pint, Pea or Navy
002 BEANS, Dry shelled, 1 pint, Marrowfat
003 BEANS, Dry shelled, 1 pint, Horticultural
004 BEANS, Dry shelled, 1 pint, Kidney
005 BEANS, Dry shelled, 1-pint, Edible soybean
006 BEANS, Dry shelled, 1 pint, Lima's
007 BEANS, Green shelled, 1-pint, Small seeded Lima's
008 BEANS, Green shelled, 1-pint, Large seeded Lima's
009 BEANS, Green shelled, 1 pint, Horticultural
010 BEANS, Green shelled, 1-pint, Edible soybean
011 BEANS, Horticultural Garden, 1 dozen, Bush type
012 BEANS, Horticultural Garden, 1 dozen, Pole type
013 BEANS, Lima, 1 dozen
014 BEANS, Snap, bush type, 1 dozen, Round green pods
015 BEANS, Snap, bush type, 1 dozen, Flat green pods
016 BEANS, Snap, bush type, 1 dozen, Round yellow pods
017 BEANS, Snap, bush type, 1 dozen, Flat yellow pods
018 BEANS, Snap, bush type, 1 dozen, Any other color
019 BEANS, Snap, pole type, 1 dozen, Round Green Pods
020 BEANS, Snap, pole type, 1 dozen, Flat Green Pods
021 BEANS, Snap, pole type, 1 dozen, Round yellow pods
022 BEANS, Snap, pole type, 1 dozen, Flat yellow pods
023 BEANS, Snap, pole type, 1 dozen, Any other color
024 BEETS, 5 specimens, topped, Globe shaped
025 BEETS, 5 specimens, topped, Half long
026 BEETS, 5 specimens, topped, Long Lutz types
027 BEETS, 5 specimens, topped, Mangels
028 BROCCOLI, large head
030 CABBAGE, head, Early pointed types
031 CABBAGE, head, Domestic round heads
032 CABBAGE, head, Danish ball head types
033 CABBAGE, head, Flat types
034 CABBAGE, head, Red types
035 CABBAGE, head, Savory types
036 CABBAGE, head, Chinese types
037 CARROTS, 5 roots, topped, Half long, stump rooted
038 CARROTS, 5 roots, topped, Half long, pointed
039 CARROTS, 5 roots, topped, Long
040 CAULIFLOWER, 1 head, White types
041 CAULIFLOWER, 1 head, Purple types
042 CELERY, one plant in soil, Yellow type Fordhook Pascal
043 CELERY, one plant in soil, Green type Fordhook Pascal
044 CORN, (Sweet), 5 ears, husks on, Yellow Hybrids
045 CORN, (Sweet), 5 ears, husks on, White Hybrids
046 CORN, (Sweet), 5 ears, husks on, Other types
047 CUCUMBERS, Pickling under 3"- 10 specimens
048 CUCUMBERS, Pickling (3" to 5") - 5 specimens
049 CUCUMBERS, Slicing (over 5") - 5 specimens
050 EGGPLANT, 1 specimen
051 ENDIVE, one plant in soil, Green curled
052 ENDIVE, one plant in soil, Broad leafed
053 GARLIC, 1 bulb, Garlic
054 GARLIC, 1 bulb, Elephant
055 GOURDS, One variety five specimens
056 GOURDS, Mixed varieties five specimens
057 GOURDS, Collection - 6 or more kinds attractively displayed. Unlimited number of specimens
058 HERBS, Dill
059 HERBS, Mint
060 HERBS, Any other
061 HORSERADISH, 3 roots, (1" min. diameter)
062 KALE, 1 plant in soil
063 KOHLRABI, 1 specimen
064 LEEK, 5 stalks
065 LETTUCE, 1 plant, Leaf types
066 LETTUCE, 1 plant, Butterhead types
067 LETTUCE, 1 plant, Crisphead types
068 MUSKMELONS (Cantaloupes), 1 specimen
069 OKRA, 5 specimens
070 ONIONS (bulbs), 5 specimens mature for storage, Yellow flat
071 ONIONS (bulbs), 5 specimens mature for storage, Yellow globe
072 ONIONS (bulbs), 5 specimens mature for storage, White flat
073 ONIONS (bulbs), 5 specimens mature for storage, White globe
074 ONIONS (bulbs), 5 specimens mature for storage, Red flat
075 ONIONS (bulbs), 5 specimens mature for storage, Red globe
076 ONIONS (bulbs), 5 specimens mature for storage, Bottle
077 ONIONS (bulbs), 5 specimens mature for storage, Sweet Spanish type
078 ONION (Sets), 1 pint, mature for storage, Yellow
079 ONION (Sets), 1 pint, mature for storage, White
080 ONION (Sets), 1 pint, mature for storage, Red
081 ONION (Sets), 1 pint, mature for storage, Multiplier
082 ONIONS (bulbing), 5 specimens

083 PARSLEY, 5 bunches in water, Curled type
084 PARSLEY, 5 bunches in water, Plain
085 PARSLEY, root, 5 roots with tops
086 PARSNIPS, 5 specimens, tops off
087 PEANUTS, 1 pint
088 PEA PODS, 1 pint
089 PEPPERS (Sweet), 5 specimens Bell or bullnose shape, Green
090 PEPPERS (Sweet), 5 specimens Bell or bullnose shape, Red
091 PEPPERS (Sweet), 5 specimens Bell or bullnose shape, Yellow
092 PEPPERS, (Sweet), thin fleshed 5 specimens, Green
093 PEPPERS, (Sweet), thin fleshed 5 specimens, Red
094 PEPPERS, (Sweet), thin fleshed 5 specimens, Yellow
095 PEPPERS (Pimento), 5 specimens, Green
096 PEPPERS (Pimento), 5 specimens, Red
097 PEPPERS (Hot), 5 specimens, Small
098 PEPPERS (Hot), 5 specimens, Round
099 PEPPERS (Hot), 5 specimens, Long
100 POTATOES, 5 tubers, Katahdin
101 POTATOES, 5 tubers, Russet-Rural
102 POTATOES, 5 tubers, Sebago
103 POTATOES, 5 tubers, Irish Cobbler
104 POTATOES, 5 tubers, Kennebec
105 POTATOES, 5 tubers, Chippewa
106 POTATOES, 5 tubers, Red Pontiac
107 POTATOES, 5 tubers, Any other variety
108 PUMPKINS, 1 specimen, Small sugar (pie)
109 PUMPKINS, 1 specimen, Winter neck Cumshaw
110 PUMPKINS, 1 specimen, Connecticut field
111 PUMPKINS, 1 specimen, Largest single field pumpkin (specify weight)
112 PUMPKINS, 1 specimen, Any other
113 RADISHES (Summer), 5 specimens, Small Round
114 RADISHES (Summer), 5 specimens, White Icicle
115 RADISHES (Winter), 5 specimens, White type
116 RADISHES (Winter), 5 specimens, Black Spanish
117 RHUBARB, 5 stalks together
118 RUTABAGAS, 5 specimens topped
119 SQUASH (Summer), 1 specimen, Straight neck
120 SQUASH (Summer), 1 specimen, Crookneck
121 SQUASH (Summer), 1 specimen, Bush Scallop-Patty Pan
122 SQUASH (Summer), 1 specimen, Cocozelle
123 SQUASH (Summer), 1 specimen, Zucchini market under 12"
124 SQUASH (Summer), 1 specimen, Zucchini largest single specimen
125 SQUASH (Summer), 1 specimen, Spaghetti
126 SQUASH (Summer), 1 specimen, Any Other
127 SQUASH (Winter), Large, 1 specimen, Acorn-Table Queen
128 SQUASH (Winter), Large, 1 specimen, Boston Marrow or Delicious
129 SQUASH (Winter), Large, 1 specimen, Hubbard
130 SQUASH (Winter), Large, 1 specimen, Mammoth sweet types
131 SQUASH (Winter), Large, 1 specimen, Largest single specimen (specific weight)
132 SQUASH (Winter), Large, 1 specimen, Buttercup
133 SQUASH (Winter), Large, 1 specimen, Butternut
134 SWEET POTATOES, 5 specimens, Jersey Orange
135 SWEET POTATOES, 5 specimens, Maryland Golden
136 SWISS CHARD, (1 stalk in soil)
137 TOMATOES, (5 large fruited), Red
138 TOMATOES, (5 large fruited), Yellow
139 TOMATOES, (5 large fruited), Mature Green
140 TOMATOES, (5 large fruited), Italian
141 TOMATOES (small fruited), Red and Yellow, Cherry (10
specimens or 5 clusters)
142 TOMATOES (small fruited), Red and Yellow, Pear shaped (10)
143 TOMATOES (small fruited), Red and Yellow, Plum-grape shaped (10)
144 TURNIPS, 5 specimens topped
145 WATERCRESS, 1 bunch in water
146 WATERMELONS, 1 specimen, Midget
147 WATERMELONS, 1 specimen, Oblong
148 WATERMELONS, 1 specimen, Largest single watermelon
Best of Show...$10
149 HOME GARDENS, 10 or more kinds of vegetables, not less than 3 specimens of each
CLASS... $5 $4 $3
150 MARKET BASKET, 5 or more kinds of vegetables, attractively displayed
CLASS... $3 $2 $1

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