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Department 22 - Other Major Contests - Fair Queen Contest

24th Annual Bedford County Fair Queen Contest
Entry deadline - May 15, 2025
Sunday, July 20 - 5:00 p.m. - Bedford Ford Show Arena
Charmain: Beverly Stanton (814-623-0800)
Committee: Ashley Fetters, Josh Fetters, Tawnya Wigfield, and Peggy Zembower

The purpose of this contest is to encourage the promotion of agricultural Fairs and to create better relations between youth and adults in both rural and urban settings.
Contestants must:
● Be a resident of Bedford County
● Must be born a female between the ages of 16 and 21 by June 1, 2025
● Have her parent’s/guardian’s consent
● Attend Fair events throughout fair week even if not chosen as queen.
● Attend community organization events to promote the Bedford County Fair during the 2025/2026 reign of the Queen court.
● Attend the PA State Fair Convention, January 2026, in Hershey, PA if the Queen
● Not be a former County Fair Queen winner or former State Fair Queen contestant
● Not hold any other commodity title during the reign as Bedford County Fair Queen
● Be single, never married, have had no children and must not marry or become pregnant during her reign.
● Only complete applications will be accepted.
The contest consists of:
1. A written essay on the topic "What My Fair Means to My Community", submitted by July 1, 2025.
2. A personal interview.
3. Evening gown competition.
4. Question/answer period during contest.
5. Speech presentation "Why You Should Come to My Fair". (3-5 minutes)

Please attach the following items to your application:
1. Resume
2. A picture of yourself. This picture will be used in the program.
3. A short biography. This biography will be used in the program.

Essay Due by July 1 - In 300 words or less, share your thoughts on “What My Fair Means to my Community?” This essay must be submitted to committee by July 1, 2025. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Department 22 - Section 09 - Queen Contest

First Prize: $500 Scholarship, Second Prize: $100 Scholarship

Completed Applications can be:
Emailed to
Mailed to 112 East Pitt Street Bedford, PA 15522
Dropped off at Beverly’s Touch of Class, 112 East Pitt Street, Bedford

Contestants must attend a “Contestant Tea” at Beverly's Touch of Class, 112 East Pitt St., on June 1, at 2:00 pm.
At this tea, the contestants will learn more about the contest, review the Code of Conduct, and ask questions. Dress attire for the tea should be business casual. All contestants will receive an individual gift.
The winner and first runner-up will receive a cash award. All contestants will have the opportunity to promote the Fair throughout the year. A schedule of fair events will be provided for all contestants following the contest. All contestants must be available for miscellaneous duties at Fair even if not chosen as queen.
The Bedford County Fair Queen will participate in the PA Fair Queen Contest at the PSACF Convention at the Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PA, in January 2026 and be eligible to win a college scholarship.
If you have questions, please call: Beverly Stanton, Chairperson at 814-623-0800.

Thank you to Our Sponsors

Beverly's Touch of Class
Giant Eagle
Peggy Zembower
Stoneham's Motorsports, Inc.
West Central Equipment
Clark Contractors
Loving Touch Flower Shop & Gifts
Next Door
Bedford County Regional Education Foundation
Rainbow Acres Concessions
Subway, Bedford

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