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Abby Abbondanza

Date: July 22, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Abbondanza, known to friends simply as "Abby," didn't begin writing music or even playing guitar until his late 20's.
Growing up, Abbondanza spent much of his time hunting, fishing and playing baseball and football. In fact, at one point he accepted a baseball scholarship and played two seasons at Penn State.
These days, when Abbondanza isn't writing, recording or performing, he can probably still be found in the studio -- the television studio.
The singer hosts the popular "Bullseye Outdoor Adventures" show, hunting and fishing program that can be seen on the Sportsman's Channel and the Man Channel.
"I can't think of a better job than getting paid to play music for people," Abbondanza muses, "but getting paid to host a hunting show would be a close second,!" he laughs.
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