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PA State Association of County Fairs Convention

Date: Jan 21 - Jan 24, 2026
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM
The objectives and purposes of this voluntary non-profit educational organization is as follows:
1. To promote the growth and improvement of Agricultural Fairs, Associations and Societies within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; To educate and to provide for the exchange of information among members;
2. To educate and to provide for the exchange of information between the membership, the general public, and agencies for the betterment of the Fairs and/or Fair Industry.
The Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs has been in existence since 1912. That first year, there were thirteen members (13 Fairs) and has steadily grown to our current membership of one-hundred and fourteen (110 Fairs). Each Agricultural Fair, Association or Society has at its focal point the education and showcase of agriculture, horticulture, tourism and more. Over five and one-half million fairgoers each year can attest to the quality of what we have to offer.
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PA State Association of County Fairs Convention
Jan 21 - Jan 24, 2026 | 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM
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