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Exhibitor Information

Online Entries for Departments 11-24 will close on July 16! You can still bring in items and enter in person until 7:30 pm on July 19!
(Bring in florals and baked goods July 21 form 9-11 am.)
Become an Exhibitor!
The Bedford County Fair invites you to be a part of what makes our annual event so important - the exhibitors! There are many different categories that you can enter, including classes in livestock, home products, equines, and more!
The Premium Guide is designed for those who want to be a part of our Fair. Exhibitors can also showcase their hobbies, wares, and livestock projects with the community! The Premium Guide will guide you in how to register your animals or entries in the appropriate departments and classes at the Fair. Each department has a link to a printable page and a link to enter online. We encourage everyone to use the online entry system at

Understanding the Premium Guide
To become an exhibitor at our Fair, please read over the Exhibitor's Premium Guide. The Premium Guide is your guide to participating in the fair, and lists all the rules, guidelines, categories, specific deadlines and prize monies associated with your entries.
The Premium Guide is broken down by Departments, Sections and Class numbers.
DEPARTMENTS are the overall category in which your entry fits, for example, "Dairy" or "Photography".
SECTIONS are sub-categories that further narrow your entry, such as "Holstein" or "Canned Products".
CLASSES relate specifically to your entry's description, like "3 years old" or "Red Beets". When entering a show or competition at our Fair, you are typically required to choose the Department - Section - Class number on your entry. These are the numbers used by both Fair officials and other exhibitors. Exhibits that are in a particular class are judged against each other.

Registration Process
Be sure to thoroughly read all the general and special rules for the category or class that apply to the exhibits you are entering. These rules can be found under exhibitors' rules and regulations and under each department. Completing an entry form signifies your acceptance of all the rules for your department, class and the Fair in general.
Determine which class you would like to enter. Take a look at the Premium Guide for a list of all available classes. Make sure you read the list carefully and choose the class that best fits your item or animal.
Make sure you are eligible to enter the classes you have chosen. Use this list as a guide:
•All classes under Department 10 are limited to 4-H and FFA exhibitors only.
•All classes under Department 11 are limited to youth ages 18 and under.
•Be sure to read any guidelines that accompany each class or section to make sure your exhibit(s) are eligible for show.

Some sections and categories, such as Livestock, Horses, Poultry and Dairy Cattle, require that you complete preliminary forms such as the "Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship Form". Forms can be downloaded from our Entry Forms page and must be submitted along with your entry form or acknowledged in the online entry system for your exhibit to be included in the show.
Enter online at
Be sure to complete all required information along with your classes you are entering. If your entry form is not completed correctly, it will not submit through the online process. Make sure all required information is filled out. You will receive an email confirmation when your entries are approved.

Bedford County Fair
729 West Pitt St., P.O. Box 244
Bedford, PA 15522
Fax - 814-623-0692
Email -
Online entry link -
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