Co-Superintendents: Erin Cromer (814-979-8602) and Lauren Carpenter (814-617-0577)
Production Show Committee: Glenda Truax, Hillary Clark, and Rozi Yorty
Performance Show Committee: Tina Ewing, Allie Whelan, Nicole Mearkle and Sarah Sewalk
Special Rules:
Check animal rules (Equines: Sections 9 & 10).
1. Vehicles used by 4-H Horse & Pony members, used for sleeping but not parked in designated camping area, may be moved closer to the horse barns from 10:00 pm to 7:30 am in order to be closer to the horses; however, clear access lanes to and around each barn must be kept open at all times for emergency (fire, ambulance and utility) vehicles. In no case may extension cords from any campers and "sleepers" be plugged into the barn lights or plug outlets. Vehicles (cars and pickup trucks) belonging to Horse & Pony members, leaders and parents are to be parked in the Horse & Pony parking lot above the horse show ring whenever possible. There are to be no tents pitched, trailers or vehicles of any kind parked in front of the barn on the north track side unless you are unloading. The Horse & Pony Committee will have the responsibility of seeing that these rules are followed.
2. An office fee of $5 per horse or pony will be collected at the announcer's stand when you check in for each animal exhibited in the Jr. Horse & Pony Production & Performance Shows.
3. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to follow the show and be at the in-gate on time. Two-minute gate call.
4. Junior Horse Project & Junior Horse Championship rules in current State 4-H Horse Show rule book will apply with the exception of rule no. 7, Department 10, Rules, 4-H, FFA & Vo-Ag Jr. Livestock.
5. All miniature horses must be 40" or under in height. They may be registered or unregistered. Height certificate required.
6. Any 4-H member under the age of 12 years of age must have a Level 1 Horsemanship Skills form signed by (3) three examiners in order to show in the production classes. Any new 4-H or FFA member showing for the first time at the Fair must have a form signed by (3) three examiners that they have passed State Level 1 Horsemanship Skills or Bedford County Basic Horse Safety Skills in order to show in futurity or performance classes at the Fair.
7. 4-H members' registration papers, Coggins, rabies vaccination verification signed by a vet, and measurement certificate (for pony classes) on performance and production animals were due in the Extension Office by June 1.
FFA members are to attach copies of their Coggins, rabies vaccination verification signed by a vet, registration papers, height certificate (for pony classes) for their performance and production animals to their Fair entry form. If there are no papers with the entry form the entry will NOT be accepted.
Fair entries are due on June 20. Enter online on and refer to Premium Guide for more rules and directions.
8. THERE WILL BE NOTHING PLUGGED INTO LIGHT FIXTURES IN THE HORSE BARNS! There will be no tack or feed stalls in the horse barns unless assigned by committee. No hoses are to be used to water horses and no extension cords are to be run from campers to the barns.
9. Any 4-H or FFA members winning in class 8 through 10 and 12 through 14 in that age group is not eligible for that award again until they reach the next age category. However, anyone winning the award in either the Grooming or Showmanship class is then eligible to show in the Master Grooming or Showmanship class also (this applies to previous years' winners also). If you have changed age categories this year you are eligible to enter the Grooming or Showmanship (classes 8 through 10 and 12 through 14) class and if you win the award, you are eligible to show in the Master Grooming or Showmanship class.
10. Class 7, 20 Year & Over Mare or Gelding, Horse or Pony. The animal must be 20 years old or over. It must have been shown in 4-H at least two years. They must have a current record book either performance or production. If showing production, you may bring them in on Wednesday and take them home on Wednesday. The animal must have a current coggins, rabies vaccination verification signed by a vet in accordance with the Animal Health Rules, Horses, in the premium tabloid. Participants in this class may still show in the 4 years (mare or gelding) and over production class. Animals in this class will be judged on their conformation and how well they have aged. This class was designed to say thanks to the animals that have given so much to us.
11. Class No. 16 is for 2-year-old horses/ponies only, walk/trot only, any tack. Classes 17 and 18 are for 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds, walk, trot/jog, canter/lope.
12. Class 19, 20, 21 and 22 are PERFORMANCE CLASS and members may show a total of two animals in these classes.
13. Exhibitors in classes 36, 64, 65, 67 and 68 must show an animal that is housed on the grounds during the fair. No animals are permitted to be hauled in.
14. Any 4-H, or FFA member in violation of any of the rules in this Fair Web or the Premium tabloid will automatically be disqualified from participating in the shows.