Superintendent: Martha Ebersole (717-834-4435)
1, Exhibitor must be a resident of Pennsylvania - one entry per person.
Apron must have been made in 2025.2. Apron details:
Colors - combinations of red, white and blue only.
Type - Half apron, Bib apron or Printed apron
3. Entries judged on workmanship, worth of article, appropriateness of material and design based on the following point system:
Overall Appearance - 25 points
Creativity - 25 points
Workmanship/Suitability - 30 points
Design/Color - 20 points
First Place Winner is eligible to enter apron in the 2026 PA Farm Show competition. Premiums for the 2026 PA FARM SHOW Competition: 1st $250, 2nd $150, 3rd $100, 4th Rosette, 5th Rosette.