Superintendents: Tammy Furry (814-494-8196) and Jordyn Alwine (814-421-3243)
Committee: Annette McCauley, Kelly Chamberlain, Barry Chamberlain and Ernie Alwine
NOTE: When entering, please mark if you want stalled in draft barn or 4-H barns.
There is a $5 fee per horse for all horses stalled in the draft barn.
Fee for non-due paying members is $25 per horse.
Sunday: 12 pm - Draft Horse opening Ceremonies and Crowning of Youth Draft Horse Representative; Draft Horse-Riding Classes; Draft Horse Costume Classes; 2 pm - Obstacle Course - Heavy Draft, Light Draft Horse (Ring 1); Draft Pony divisions (Ring 2)
Monday: 10 am - Mule & Donkey Halter, Heavy Draft Horse Halter, Heavy Draft Horse Hitching, and Draft Pony Halter
Tuesday: 10 am - Light Draft Horse Halter, Light Draft Horse Hitching, Draft Pony Hitching & Mule & Donkey Hitching
Thursday: 1 pm - Draft Animal Activities, Heavy Draft, Light Draft (Ring 1); Draft Pony divisions (Ring 2)
Draft Horse Guidelines: A horse or similar equine such as donkey, mule, pony, burro of any size or type used for pulling heavy loads, doing farm work or logging. This show consists of 4 divisions:
1. Heavy Draft Horse - Belgians, Percherons, Clydesdales, Shires, Suffolk or animal weighing over 1300 lbs.
2. Light draft Horse - Morgans, Friesians, Haflingers or Draft crosses weighing under 1300 lbs.
3. Draft Pony - Pony or mini under 48 inches.
4. Mule and Donkey - mule, donkey or burro of any size.
Eligibility Rules:
1. Arrive Sunday by 10 am and leave no earlier than 2 pm Saturday.
2. Exhibitors must show animals entered unless exempt or dismissed by superintendent.
3. All person will abide by fair rules and health requirements and protect the public from any unruly animals (biters, kickers, etc.) The superintendent will have full authority to remove any animal as needed for any reason.
4. NEGATIVE COGGINS TEST, RABIES VACCINE, AND CERTIFICATE OF VETERINARY INSPECTION ARE MANDATORY. Copies of tests must be attached to the stall where the animal is kept. See Section 5 Equine Animals health rules for more specifics.
5. Exhibitors will take prudent care when moving animals from one place to another within the fairgrounds, making all necessary precautions to protect the public.
6. 4-H exhibitors showing in the Draft Show should be stalled in the 4-H barns, if possible.
7. Each exhibitor must have a separate number.
8. Youth classes will be divided into Youth ages 12 years and under and Youth ages 13 to 18 years. Age determined as of January 1st of this year.
9. All youth 18 years and younger in hitch classes must be accompanied by an adult driver 19 years or older.
10. Classes may be split by judge if needed
11. Safety helmets are suggested but not mandatory.
12. There cannot be leaders handling animals in a hitch class.
13. A brood mare must have had a foal before July 1 of this year.
14. If entered in a brood mare class, the animal is not eligible for other mare classes.
15. Peewee and Novice is anyone not comfortable driving alone.
16. No stallion over 1 year old will be handled anywhere on the fairgrounds by anyone 18 years or younger.
17. Anyone showing a gross lack of horsemanship skills may be removed from the show and/or barn.
18. All exhibitors should dress for the halter and hitch classes in a manner that represents the Bedford County Draft Animal Club in a positive display.
19. Draft animals may only be exercised on the upper road leading to the midway's extra parking field until 2 pm daily.
20. Each animal 3yrs and over must show in a driving class. Stallions are excluded from this rule.
21. No horses permitted in barn that are not being shown.
22. Animals may not be kept in trailers during week of Fair, they must be in a stall.
23. One (1) entry per person for Activities Days.