2025 Homemade Chocolate Cake Contest
1. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
2. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Homemade Chocolate Cake contest at any other fair in 2025.
3. The cake and any fillings and frostings must be made from scratch with edible ingredients. No pre-packaged ingredients may be used (ex: pre-made mixes, cookie dough, pie crust, frosting, etc.) Any decorations must be edible.
4. Cake recipe must feature chocolate or cocoa as a main ingredient.
5. Entry must be a layered chocolate cake.
6. Entry must be frosted and frosting must also be made from “scratch” (no pre-packaged frosting).
7. The entire cake entry must be submitted for judging on cardboard or other food safe disposable setting. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
8. Recipes must be submitted with the entry, printed on one side of 8-1/2” x 11” sheets of paper. Recipe must list all ingredients, quantities, and the preparation instructions. Entrant’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all the pages. (All recipes and cakes will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
9. Refrigeration is not available at the fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
Judging criteria:Flavor (aroma, taste, good balance of flavorings) - 30 points
Texture (moist and tender crumb; not soggy or dry) - 25 points
Inside Characteristics (even grain, evenly baked; free from air pockets) - 20 points
Outside Characteristics (consistent shape/size/surface; overall appeal) - 15 points
Frosting (taste, texture, even color) - 10 points
TOTAL - 100 points
Prizes: 1st $25.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00First Place Winner is eligible for the 2026 PA Farm Show competition.Premiums for the
PA FARM SHOW competition:
1st $500, 2nd $250, 3rd $100, 4th Rosette, 5th RosetteSPONSOR: PA State Assoc. of County Fairs
2025 PA Incredible Angel Food Cake Contest
1. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
2. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Angel Food Cake contest at any other fair in 2025.
3. The cake and any fillings and frostings must be made from scratch with edible ingredients. No pre-packaged ingredients may be used (ex: pre-made mixes, cookie dough, pie crust, frosting, etc.) Any decorations must be edible.
4. The recipe shall include eggs that were produced in Pennsylvania, if possible.
5. The entire cake entry must be submitted for judging on cardboard or other food safe disposable setting. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
6. Recipe(s) listing the ingredients and the preparation instructions must be submitted with the entry (printed on one-side of 8-1/2" x 11" size sheets of paper). Entrant’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the back of all the pages. (All recipes and cakes will become
the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
7. Refrigeration is NOT available at the Fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned, or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
8. Judging will be based on the following criteria:
Flavor (smell, taste, flavoring) 30 points
Inside Characteristics (texture & lightness) 25 points
Overall Appearance (surface, size, color) 20 points
Creativity 15 points
Topping, Icing or Decoration 10 points
Prizes: 1st $25.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00 First place winner is eligible for the
2026 PA Farm Show competition.
Premiums for
PA FARM SHOW Angel Food Cake Winners:
1st $500, 2nd $250, 3rd $100, 4th Rosette, 5th RosetteSPONSORS: Pennsylvania's Egg Farmers and the
PA State Assoc. of County Fairs
37th Annual Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest
1. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
2. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Blue-Ribbon Apple Pie contest at any other fair in 2025.
3. The Apple Pie, including filling and crust, must be made from scratch with edible ingredients. No pre-packaged ingredients may be used (ex: pre-made mixes, cookie dough, pie crust, frosting, etc.) Any decorations must be edible.
4. Recipe must include at least 60% apples in the filling. It does not need to be a “traditional” two crusted apple pie and it can have a variety of fillings.
5. The entire pie must be submitted for judging in a food safe disposable pie pan. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
6. The recipe for the pie and pie crust must be submitted with the entry. It should be submitted on one side of 8 ½” by 11” sheets of paper. The recipe must list all the ingredients, quantities, and the preparation instructions. Entrant’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all the pages. (All recipes and pies will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
7. Refrigeration is not available at the fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
8. Judging will be based on the following criteria:
Flavor - 30 points
Filling (consistency, doneness, moistness and flavor) - 25 points
Crust (color, flavor, texture, doneness) - 20 points
Overall appearance - 15 points
Creativity - 10 points
TOTAL - 100 pointsThe Fair will submit the Contest Summary Form verifying the winning apple pie baker. This person will then be eligible to enter the state competition at the 2026 Farm Show.
NOTE: If an individual has already won 1st place at another fair in 2024 for this Blue-Ribbon Apple Pie contest, that individual is now considered qualified through that Fair to compete at the 2025 Farm Show and is no longer eligible to enter this contest at any upcoming Fairs.
First place winner is eligible for the 2026 PA Farm Show competition. Prizes for
PA FARM SHOW: 1st $500, 2nd $250, 3rd $100, 4th Rosette, 5th Rosette.SPONSOR:
The Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs