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Department 22 - Other Major Contests - Truck Pulls

Truck Pulls presented by Appalachian Outlaws Pulling Series
Mount Pleasant, PA 15666
Bud - 814-444-2293, Colt - 814-771-8735

Saturday, July 27 - 5:00 p.m.

Gates open at 3:00 p.m./Scales open at 4:00 p.m. Pit Gate Closes at 8:00 p.m.!
Participants will pay the "Pay One Price" fee ($12.00) at the outer gate plus a pit insurance fee of $13 at the pit gate.
CO-CHAIRMAN: Troy Mickle and Jason Mickle
Complete rules and information at
Safety is highly stressed!!!
Pull at your own risk!!!
Not responsible for accidents!!!
Positively no alcoholic beverages!!!

Department 22 - Section 02 - Truck Pulls

01 OLD SCHOOL TRUCKS - Class Purse $250
02 STREET LEGAL GAS - Class Purse $250
03 STREET LEGAL DIESEL - Class Purse $250
04 OUTLAW STREET DIESEL (Sanction) - Class Purse $1000
05 HOT ROD DIESEL - (Sanction) - Class Purse $1500
06 BIG BLOCK HO (Sanction) - Class Purse $1500
07 PRO STREET SEMI - Class Purse $1000

General Rules - Applies to ALL Classes

1. Any puller under 18 must have written consent from a parent or guardian and prior approval.
2. Contestants may be barred from pulling due to emotional or physical reasons. Ex: drinking, illness, etc.
3. Only the driver will be allowed in/on a vehicle when it is being towed or driven.
4. No riders are permitted on tow tractors or track equipment.
5. A driver must be in/on the pulling vehicle at ALL times while the engine is running.
6. Vehicle must be in neutral or park while hooking to or unhooking from the sled. Drivers is recommended to raise hands while hooking and unhooking.
7. Any driver or crew member found under the influence of drugs or using intoxicating agents in the track area will be disqualified.
8. A driver’s meeting is optional and may or may not be held before the pull starts.
9. The first puller in the class will be considered the ‘Test Puller’. This ‘Test Puller’ may accept their pull distance or choose to come back immediately or drop to ANY position in the pulling order.
a) Should the head official rule that the first puller did not make an honest attempt, or suffers mechanical failure, the next puller in line will become the ‘test puller’ and will have all the options available to the ‘test puller’. This process may be continued (at the option of the head official) until the class is set.
b) The finish flag official must be informed of the ‘Test Puller’s’ decision before leaving the track. No other contestant will be given the option of test competitor.
10. A pulling vehicle may drop to any position in the class due to mechanical breakage. This will count as the first of two attempts for the vehicle to make a measurable distance. This dropping must be approved by the track judge. Safety equipment does not qualify for a mechanical problem.
11. A competitor has three minutes to hook to the sled after track is ready, or if after competition director and/or head flag calls them to the sled. Failure to do so will result in DQ with no refund of entry. (Competitors have Three (3) Minutes to come to track and make an attempt. If they do not make a measurable pull, then they will have the option of trying immediately or dropping. This will count as one attempt.
12. Puller receives two attempts to move the sled. If on the first attempt, the driver lifts off the throttle before 100’ the puller will return to the start line and receive their second and final attempt. Only for mechanical breakage may the puller drop to last for their second attempt.
13. When there is a re-pull caused by a contest malfunction, the puller or pullers affected may drop to ANY position in the class or may pull again immediately. Competitors may not move any weight.
14. Competitors may spot the sled anywhere in bounds and behind the starting line if they wish. A cone will be provided for this purpose. This must be done while the sled is returning to the starting line. Only one sled spotting is allowed. Once the sled has returned to the starting line and is ready the puller may NOT re-spot the sled. Doing so will count as the pullers ‘first attempt’.
15. All pulls will start with a tight chain. No jerking of the sled. Excessive sled jerking may cause DQ.
18. Excessive loss of liquid will result in disqualification, if the vehicle is under the green flag. If a vehicle is flagged, pull will be measured from the point of the red flag being issued. Failure to stop will be cause for disqualification. Excessive is defined as any steady or intermittent steam equal to a spot on the track of eight (8) inches in diameter.
16. Pulling will be over when forward motion stops. Competitors must stop immediately when RED flagged.
17. All pulls will be measured to the nearest 1/100 of a foot (two decimal places) utilizing an Agri-tronix GPS sled measuring system or laser measuring device.
18. When possible, all contestants must drive on and off the track. Tow starting will be done as a last resort and under tech official’s discretion.
19. All competition vehicles must report to the scales full of fuel/water/ice, etc. Fuel/water/ice, etc. may not be added once the pulling vehicle has been weighed.
20. Once a vehicle has made its measurable pull and is unhooked from the sled it must be moved from the end of the pulling track. Vehicles cannot be parked where they may interfere with the laser measuring device or flow of event traffic.
21. Any disqualification on the first attempt bars a second attempt unless the class is restarted.
22. The “Test Hook” puller may come back if they go out of bounds on their test hook attempt.
23. Pullers disqualified for actions on the track may still receive purse money. Should the class not be full a disqualified puller shall receive last place purse money IF the vehicle has made a measured pull.
1. All pulling vehicles must pass a tech inspection and meet all safety requirements before they can pull at any event. AOPS reserves the right to fully inspect any vehicle at any time. Refusal to submit to a complete tech inspection will result in disqualification of the vehicle.
2. The tech person or presiding official has the right to stop and disqualify any competitors or pulling vehicles they feel are unsafe.
3. Any competitors found under the influence of intoxicating agents before or during competition will be disqualified. Any crew members under the influence of intoxicating agents who are in the staging, or track area will be grounds to disqualify the vehicle they are attending with.
4. Official’s decisions are final. There is no appeal process. Disagreements may result in disqualification.
5. Competition Director decisions are final and unappealable on any point of controversy. Disagreement leading to arguments can result in disqualification.
6. Any Competitors abusing an official or other AOPS pullers / personnel both verbally and/or physically, will be banned from all AOPS events and asked to leave.
7. Disqualifications may result from this list of items, but disqualification is not limited to these causes:
• Illegal fuel or illegal water
• Out of bounds - defined as any part of the vehicle touching the boundary line
• Loss of excessive liquid
• Loss of weight under the green flag
• Failure to be Tech Inspected
• Failure to be properly weighed
• Loss or failure of safety equipment under green flag
• Unsafe operation of vehicle
• Unsafe speed in the pits or leaving the track
• Unprofessional or unsportsmanlike conduct
• Illegal equipment
• Leaving the starting line under a red flag.
• Deliberate delay of event
• Attacking an official, Attacking a competitor
1. All Competitors must be registered at least one hour prior to the pull.
2. Once a competitor arrival on grounds, they shall return to their vehicle and remain there until the vehicle is teched.
3. All tech inspection will occur on the ground or on the trailer...Unless necessitated by inclement weather.
4. On any vehicle competing in a class requiring a safety shutdown switch the driver is responsible for installing the tie strap to the safety switch.
5. Vehicles may enter only one class but may enter only once in each class.
6. Events are ‘open to the world’ – NO memberships are required to enter and must pass tech for said class
7. Participants must be a member of AOPS in order to collect points. Membership must be in place prior to hooking to the sled in order to collect points. Vehicle will only be allowed to collect points in one class, this class will be determined by the class that is chosen on their membership form.
8. Pulling order will be determined by ‘luck of the draw’ at sign-in. Numbers used may not be visible to the pullers. When a team has two or more entries in a single class, the vehicles must be registered separately so as to prevent the misplacing of the tractors numerically.
9. Should a competitor be forced to withdraw from a class due to breakage from a previous class, the competitor must notify officials before class begins.
10. Once a competitor has hooked to the sled, he will not be refunded entry fee money.
11. If puller arrives late (after the class has started) the competitor may NOT compete in the class.
12. The only approved late entries accepted will be those pullers who have made prior arrangements with the registration official prior to arriving.
13. Competitors will earn NO points if entry fee is refunded. This also applies to rain-out situations.
14. Pulling vehicles may be held for post competition tech inspection. Failure to abide may result in a DQ.
1. Floating Finish Lines will be utilized at all events for all classes unless the head official determines that a pull off system will be used. If a pull off is to be used for a certain class, it will be announced prior to the class starting.
2. Boundary line will be 350’ long to start the pull, even though a Full Pull may only be 300’. Competitors may not touch boundary lines at any time. The Full Pull line will be established by the Head Track Official no less than 300 feet after a sled reset. The Full Pull line can be set in front of a vehicle even if the vehicle has gone past 300 feet at either 310’, 320’, or 330’. White disqualification line(s) will be 350 feet for the entire contest. If Head Track Official determines a floating finish is needed.
3. If the test hook vehicle goes past 350’ on its initial run, the sled will automatically be reset. This can be only overridden by the head track official in the case of inclement weather or other time restraints to the event.
1. Any first-time violation will result in disqualification from that event.
2. Second time violations for the same infraction will result in a season long suspension.
5. Anyone suspended will not be allowed in the track or pit area for the duration of the suspension. If a vehicle is sold the vehicle will be allowed to pull, but the suspended party is NOT involved with the vehicle in any way.
1 $125.00 Buy in fee per class. Super Modified is $225.00
2 Combined distances of all the pulls. Who has the most distance at end of the season is the winner.
3 Points follows the vehicle. Not the driver.
4 Disorderly conduct may result in losing your distance of the pull.
5 Championship Purse breakdown 1st 50% 2nd 30% 3rd 20% of total buy in fee.
1. Any event canceled outside of four (4) hours prior to the scheduled starting time is considered a ‘cancellation’ and is not to be considered as a ‘rain out’ under these rules.
2. A session of pulling will be official if one half of the advertised classes are completed. Promoter is not required to refund gate money in this situation.
3. Any class not completed for any reason will be considered a rain out. This would include a class canceled due to sled malfunction or electrical failure or any other unforeseen situation.
4. UNOFFICIAL CLASS: If less than 2/3 of the Competitors have hooked, the class is considered a ‘rain-out’ and rain points are awarded to all pullers in the class regardless of whether or not they have actually hooked to the sled. No purse is paid out if less than 2/3 of the registered pullers have competed.
5. OFFICIAL CLASS: A class will be official when 2/3 of the Competitors have made a pull. The promoter MUST pay the entire class purse in this situation. The purse is then split evenly between all entered pullers regardless of whether or not they have actually hooked to the weight transfer machine and made a measured pull.
6. It is a joint decision of the event official and the event promoter as to when a class or session is rained out.
1. Protests are available for any violation of the rules or misapplication of the rules. These violations may be either vehicle protests or rules application protests.
2. Items that may lead to a protest must be protested by a puller. AOPS will not entertain a protested item discovered by a puller without the necessary protest form and fee.
3. All protests must be made in writing and submitted within five minutes (5) of completion of the class being protested. AOPS reserves the right to NOT handle a protest.
4. Protests can only be made by Current Members of AOS.
5. Official protest forms are available at the registration table and must be signed by one (1) owner/driver within the class of competition.
6. All protest fees will be accepted in cash ONLY.
a) If a protested vehicle is found legal, then the fee will be forfeited to the person found legal.
b) If a vehicle is illegal, then the vehicle is disqualified, and a fee is returned to the protester.
7. Fee for protest are as follows: $500.00
8. ANYONE causing a disruption during a protest will be disqualified.
9. The officials and the protested are the only people allowed near the vehicle during a protest.
10. If a competitor is found guilty of exceeding the cubic inch limit, they will be barred from all events for one (1) year and one day. Refusing to tear down or to be pumped will be considered exceeding the cubic inch limit.
1. All points members will receive a drop hook if their vehicle was in competition at over half of the pulls scheduled for the season. At the end of the season, every member's worst distance recorded will be dropped from the overall points standings.

Old School Trucks - 2024 Contender Series

1. Any 1985 and down street legal gas truck that is a one ton or less.
1. All vehicles must have current registration and current state inspection.
2. All registration paper and insurance card must be available at time of tech.
3. Registration card must match vin. number and plate number.
4. Antique and Classic plate are allowed.
1. Maximum weight 6500
2. No hanging weights are allowed.
3. No hidden weights are permitted.
4. Weight may be in bed.
5. All weights must be securely fastened.
6. No weight allowed in cab and under hood.
Chassis and Suspension
1. Must have OEM suspension.
2. The vehicle must retain OEM frame rail.
3. No solid suspension.
1. The body must be OEM truck body including the full bed floor.
2. The body must retain the full sheet metal.
3. No mud flaps or dirt deflector
4. Must here all windows. Must have all working OEM lights.
5. Must have all interior panels and dash board.
6. Flatbed are permitted must be manufactured bed.
7. Factory O.E.M. brush guard and snow plow brackets are permitted.
1. Exhaust must clear the rear of the truck.
2. May run mufflers or straight pipes.
3. Aftermarket exhaust manifold is permitted.
Safety Equipment
1. DOT helmet is highly recommended.
2. All vehicle must have a 2 1/2 lb. dry chemical.
3. Seatbelts are required went hook to the sled.
4. Leather shoes ,pants & Long sleeve Shirt.
Drive Line
1. OEM rear and front ends required. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
2. OEM transmission and transfer case must be used. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
Batteries are not allowed in cab, unless factory installed. Must be in OEM location.
1. Tires must be DOT approved no larger than 35x12.50 or 315x75 Metric.
2. Must have factory tire size stamped for verification. If size is removed they will be considered illegal.
3. No studded tires or tire chains. No alterations to tires permitted. No bar or terra tires.
4. Dual wheels are permitted ONLY if factory equipped. Single rear wheel trucks are not permitted to run duel rear wheels.
5. Duel wheel truck are limited to a tire size of 35x10.50.
1. Must have four working brakes. Must have working brake lights.
1. Gasoline
2. Racing fuel allowed.
3. No propane or Nitrous.
4. Other oxygen enhancers are not allowed.
1. Must be Reese style hitch. May be reinforcement. Must not extend forward of the rear axle.
2. Must be rigged in all directions, Hitch mounting point can not be above frame rails and stationary in all directions.
3. No drawbar hitch or trick hitches allowed.
4. Hook point must be at the rear most point of the vehicle. and most rearward of stock location of the tailgate.
4. Maximum hitch height of 26” with a minimum of 3.75”x3” opening.
5. Hitch must be on a level plane with the ground.
1. Big block or small block.
2. Engine must be in OEM for said make and model.
3. No aluminum blocks are permitted.
4. No Aluminum heads are permitted.
5. Any ignition can be used.
6. Aluminum or cast intake allowed.
7. One single naturally aspirated carburetors.
8. Fan must be shrouded at least 180 degrees on the top.
9. No electric fan allowed.

Street Legal Gas - 2024 Contender Series

1. Any 1986 and up street legal gas truck that is a one ton or smaller.
1. All vehicles must have current registration and current state inspection.
2. All registration paper and insurance card must be available at time of tech.
3. Registration card must match vin. number and plate number.
4. No dealer plate are allowed.
1.Maximum weight 8750
2. No hanging weights are allowed,
3. No hidden weights are permitted.
4. Weight may be in bed.
5. All weights must be securely fastened.
6. No weight allowed in cab and under hood.
Chassis and Suspension
1. Must have OEM suspension.
2. No suspension modifications.
3. All steering must be OEM steering.
4. Traction bars are allowed but must be bolt on.
1. Must be Reese style hitch. May be reinforcement. Must not extend forward of the rear axle.
2. Must be rigged in all directions, hitch mounting point cannot be above frame rails and stationery in all directions.
3. No drawbar hitch or trick hitches allowed.
4. Hook point must be at the rear most point of the vehicle. and most rearward of stock location of the tailgate.
5. Maximum hitch height of 26” with a minimum of 3.75”x3” opening.
6. Hitch must be on a level plane with the ground.
1. Engine must be in OEM for the year of vehicle.
2. Rough idle is not permitted.
3. Aluminum blocks are permitted.
4. Fuel injection must be OEM stock appearing.
5. Aftermarket air filter and air box are allowed.
6. Programmers & computer chips permitted.
1. Must have four working brakes, must have working brake lights.
1. Gasoline
2. Racing fuel allowed.
3. No propane or Nitrous
4. Other oxygen enhancers are not allowed.
1. The body must be OEM truck body including the full bed floor.
2. No mud flaps or dirt deflector.
3. Must here all windows, must have all working OEM lights, must have all interior panels and dashboard.
4. Flatbed are permitted must be manufactured bed.
5. Factory O.E.M. brush guard and snowplow brackets are permitted.
1. Exhaust must clear the rear of the cab.
2. May run mufflers or straight pipe.
3. Aftermarket exhaust is permitted.
Safety Equipment
1. DOT helmet is highly recommended.
2. All vehicles must have a 2 1/2 lb. dry chemical.
3. Seatbelts are required went hook to the sled.
4. Leather shoes, pants & long sleeve shirt.
Drive Line
1. OEM rear and front ends required. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
2. OEM transmission and transfer case must be used. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
1. Batteries are not allowed in cab, unless factory installed. Must be in OEM location.
1. Tires must be DOT approved no larger than 35x12.50 or 315x75 Metric.
2. Must have factory tire size stamped for verification. If size is removed, they will be considered illegal.
3. No studded tires or tire chains. No alterations to tires permitted. No bar or terra tires.
4. Dual wheels are permitted ONLY if factory equipped. Single rear wheel trucks are not permitted to run duel rear wheels.
5. Dual wheel trucks are limited to a tire size of 35x10.50.

Street Legal Diesel - 2024 Contender Series

1. All vehicles must have current registration and current state inspection.
2. All registration paper and insurance card must be available at time of tech.
3. Registration card must match VIN number and plate number.
4. No dealer plate are allowed.
1. Maximum weight 8750.
2. No hanging weights are allowed,
3. No hidden weights are permitted.
4. Weight may be in bed.
5. All weights must be securely fastened.
6. No weight allowed in cab and under hood.
Chassis and Suspension
1. Must have OEM suspension.
2. Must maintain OEM measurements for body being used.
3. No suspension modifications.
4. All steering must be OEM steering.
5. Traction bars are allowed but must be bolt on.
1. The body must be OEM truck body including the full bed floor.
2. No mud flaps or dirt deflector.
3. Must here all windows, must have all working OEM lights, must have all interior panels and dashboard.
4. Flatbed are permitted must be manufactured bed.
5. Factory O.E.M. brush guard and snowplow brackets are permitted.
1. Exhaust must clear the rear of the truck.
2. May run mufflers. If no muffler rule number three (3) apply.
3. Four (4) 3/8 (Grade 5) bolts in the horizontal portion of exhaust pipe(s) as close to the turbo as possible. Bolts to be installed 90 degrees to each other, within one inch of each other.
4. Hood stack are not permitted (Unless legal in the state the truck is licensed by)
5. Aftermarket exhaust and bed stack permitted.
6. All vehicles must be equipment to direct exhaust upward.
Safety Equipment
1. Dot helmet is highly recommended.
2. All vehicle must have a 2 1/2 lb. dry chemical.
3. Seatbelts are required went hook to the sled.
4. Leather shoes, pants & long sleeve shirt.
Drive Line
1. OEM rear and front ends required. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
2. OEM transmission and transfer case must be used. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
1. Tires must be DOT approved no larger than 35x12.50 or 315x75 Metric.
2. Must have factory tire size stamped for verification. If size is removed, they will be considered illegal.
3. No studded tires or tire chains. No alterations to tires permitted. No bar or terra tires.
4. Dual wheels are permitted ONLY if factory equipped. Single rear wheel trucks are not permitted to run dual rear wheels.
5. Dual wheel trucks are limited to a tire size of 35x10.50.
1. Must have four working brakes, must have working brake lights.
1. Fuel must be #1 or #2 diesel fuel only.
2. No propane or Nitrous.
1. Batteries are not allowed in cab, unless factory installed. Must be in OEM location.
1. Must be Reese style hitch. May be reinforcement. Must not extend forward of the rear axle.
2. Must be rigged in all directions, hitch mounting point cannot be above frame rails and stationery in all directions.
3. No drawbar hitch or trick hitches allowed.
4. Hook point must be at the rear most point of the vehicle. and most rearward of stock location of the tailgate.
5. Maximum hitch height of 26” with a minimum of 3.75”x3” opening.
6. Hitch must be on a level plane with the ground.
1. Engine must be in OEM locations.
2. No superchargers permitted.
3. No aluminum blocks are permitted unless O.E.M.
4. Fuel injection pump is limited to stock appearing. OEM engine make specific pump only.
5. The use of a RSV (agriculture governor) is prohibited.
6. Aftermarket air filter and air box are allowed.
7. Programmers & computer chips permitted.
8. Single turbo only Factory turbo only or 2.5 replacement.
9. Twice turbo O.E.M factory changer with factory configuration only.
10. No aftermarket turbo allowed.

Outlaw Street Diesel - 2024 Championship Series

1. Maximum weight 8500
2. No hanging weights are allowed; Hidden weights are permitted must not be visible and not below the frame. Weight may be in bed. All weights must be securely fastened.
3. No weight allowed in cab.
Chassis and Suspension
1. OEM Chassis is mandatory. The vehicle must retain OEM frame rails.
2. Must maintain OEM measurements for cab and bed being used.
3. Rear suspension may block solid. Stock style suspension must be in place. Stock style refers to the type of suspension that came from the manufacturer in the year/make/model/vintage of the vehicle being pulled. Must have leaf spring.
4. Hydraulic over electric is permitted but must run through OEM steering box.
5. Traction bars are permitted bolt on only. Electronic traction controls not permitted.
1. Batteries are not allowed in cab, unless factory installed. Must be in OEM location.
Dress Code
1. DOT helmet to be worn and fastened.
2. Leather shoes, long pants & Fireproof shirt.
1. The body must replicate OEM truck body including the full bed floor. The body must retain the full sheet metal. No mud flaps or dirt deflector.
2. The complete OEM floor pan is mandatory. Vehicle must maintain a complete firewall.
3. Must here all windows, must have all working OEM lights, must have all interior panels and dashboard.
4. Flatbed are permitted must be manufactured bed. No homemade beds are allowed. Wheelbase Must maintain OEM measurement for cab being used.
1. Exhaust must clear the rear of the cab.
2. Aftermarket exhaust is permitted.
3. Bed stack are permitted.
4. All vehicles must be equipment to direct exhaust upward.
Safety Equipment
1. All trucks must have at least six-inch-wide u-joint shield around the rear u-joint constructed of at least 5/16-inch steel or 3/8 aluminum. All shields must be securely mounted to vehicle. Any front shaft u-joints that can be visibly seen from side of truck must be shielded to contain the u-joint and the end of the driveshaft. Must have one center loop.
2. Safety switch (rain cap or guillotine) must shut off air to engines. Switch will be securely mounted to rear of vehicle. A 2 inch or bigger solid ring must be attached to end of switch. Switch must also be able to be activated in cab while driver is secured in vehicle.
3. Four (4) 3/8 (Grade 5) bolts in the horizontal portion of exhaust pipe(s) as close to the turbo as possible. Bolts to be installed 90 degrees to each other, within one inch of each other.
4. All vehicles must have a 2 1/2 lb. dry chemical within the reach of driver.
5. Seatbelts are required when hook to the sled.
Drive Line
1. OEM rear and front ends required. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
2. OEM transmission and transfer case must be used. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
3. SFI bell housing and/or SFI blow proof bell housing or SFI blanket type shield must be used. Slipper clutch are allowed.
4. Automatic transmissions must be covered 360 degrees from back of engine block to the tall shaft bolts.
1. Tires must be DOT approved no larger than 35x12.50. or 315x75 Metric.
2. Must have factory tire size stamped for verification. If size is removed, they will be considered illegal.
3. No studded tires or tire chains. No alterations to tires permitted. No bar or terra tires.
4. Dual wheels are permitted ONLY if factory equipped. Single rear wheel trucks are not permitted to run dual rear wheels.
5. Any aftermarket wheels permitted.
6. Dual wheel truck are limited to a tire size of 35x11.50.
1. No propane or Nitrous.
2. Other oxygen enhancers are not allowed.
3. Fuel must be #1 or #2 diesel fuel only.
1. Must have four working brakes, must have working brake lights.
1. Engine swaps is permitted. Engine must have came in one ton truck or less.
2. Engine must be in OEM locations.
3. No superchargers permitted.
4. No aluminum blocks are permitted unless O.E.M.
5. Fuel injection pump is limited to stock appearing.
6. The use of a RSV (agriculture governor) is prohibited.
7. Aftermarket air filter and air box are allowed.
8.Programmers & computer chips permitted.
9. The use of hand throttle is prohibited.
10. Water injection is not permitted.
11. Single turbo only Can’t exceed 3.2 Inlet.
12. Twice turbo O.E.M factory changer with factory configuration only.
13. Blow proof harmonic balancer or 360 shield highly recommended.
1. Must be Reese style hitch. May be reinforcement. Must not extend forward of the rear axle.
2. Must be rigged in all directions, hitch mounting point cannot be above frame rails and stationery in all directions.
3. No drawbar hitch or trick hitches allowed.
4. Hook point must be at the rear most point of the vehicle. and most rearward of stock location of the tailgate.
5. Maximum hitch height of 26” with a minimum of 3.75”x3” opening.
6. Hitch must be on a level plane with the ground.

Hot Rod Diesel - 2024 Championship Series

1. Maximum weight 8000
2. Front hanging weights are allowed, not to exceed 60 inches forward from the centerline of front axle. All weights must be securely fastened.
3. Tab must be welded on center of front axle for measuring.
4. No weight allowed in cab.
Chassis and Suspension
1. OEM Chassis is mandatory. The vehicle must retain OEM frame rails.
2. Suspension - The upper mounting point for strut assembly must be in factory location.
3. Adjustable caster/ camber pillow ball mounts are permitted. The lower control arm may be strengthened provided the factory mounting points are maintained. Strut tower braces, lower tie bars, sway bars, and limit straps are permitted. Traction bars and devices are permitted. but must be bolt on only. Welds permitted for attachment to frame and axle only. Blocked suspension permitted. Rear suspension may be made solid.
4. Laddering under the frame for strengthening is permitted.
Maximum wheelbase for Single Cab trucks is 158 inches. Longer trucks are a maximum of 172 inches but must maintain OEM measurements for the body being used.
1. Batteries are not allowed in cab.
2. Manual battery disconnect easily accessible and clearly mark is required.
1. The body must be OEM truck body including the full bed floor. The body must retain the full sheet metal. After market hoods permitted.
2. The complete OEM floor pan is mandatory. Vehicle must maintain a complete firewall Additional gauges and pillar pods are permitted.
3. No mud flaps or dirt deflector.
4. Flatbed are allowed. Must be a manufactured. No homemade beds.
1. Must have working brakes. No pinion brake allowed.
1. All vehicles must be equipped with upward pointing exhaust located either directly behind cab or out of truck hood. If exhaust runs to rear of truck must turn up elbow.
2. Four (4) 3/8 (Grade 5) bolts in the horizontal portion of exhaust pipe (s) as close to the turbo as possible. Bolts to be installed 90 degrees to each other, within one inch of each other.
Safety Equipment
1. All trucks must have at least six-inch-wide u-joint shield around the rear u-joint construct-ed of at least 5/16-inch steel or 3/8 aluminum that will safely contain the u-joint and the end of the driveshaft. All shields must be securely mounted to vehicle. Any front shaft u-joints that can be visibly seen from side of truck must be shielded to contain the u-joint and the end of the driveshaft.
2. Axle shields are required. Shield to be .060” thickness steel or aluminum. A hole may be cut in one shield to allow operation of hub lock.
3. Safety switch (rain cap or guillotine) must shut off air to diesel engines. Switch will be securely mounted to back of vehicle. A 2 inch or bigger solid ring must be attached to end of switch. Ring must be zip tied to switch bracket. Switch must also be able to be activated in cab while driver is secured in vehicle.
Drive Line
1. OEM rear and front ends required. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle.
2. OEM transmission and transfer case must be used. Must have come factory in a one ton or smaller vehicle
3. Non-OEM transmissions prohibited. Aftermarket torque convertors, valve bodies, and internal components are permitted
4. SFI bell housing and/or SFI blow proof bell housing or SFI blanket type shield must be used.
5. Automatic transmissions must be covered 360 degrees from back of engine block to the tall shaft bolts.
1. Tires must be DOT approved no larger than 35x12.50. or 315x75 Metric.
2. Must have factory tire size stamped for verification. If size is removed, they will be considered illegal.
3. No studded tires or tire chains. No alterations to tires permitted. No bar or terra tires.
4. Dual wheels are prohibited.
Fire Extinguisher
1. All vehicles must have a 2 1/2 lb. dry chemical or 1 lb. halo extinguisher.
2. Must be securely mounted within reach of driver.
1. Diesel Fuel only.
2. No propane or Nitrous.
3. Other oxygen enhancers allowed.
Dress Code
1. DOT helmet to be worn and fastened.
2. Leather shoes, pants & shirt. Fire suits are required.
1. Must be rigged in all directions, no part of the hitch cannot exceed more than 3“above frame rails. And no further forwards than centerline of rear axle.
2. No Bolts in hitch, must be forge pins.
3. From point of hook to centerline of rear axle shall be no less than 27% of wheels base.
4. Maximum hitch height of 26” with a minimum of 3.75”x3” opening.
5. Tab must be welded in center of rear axle to assist in measuring.
1. Any OEM engine that came in a one ton or less from factory.
2. Engine must be in OEM locations for the body used.
3. No aftermarket blocks permitted.
4. Cylinder head must be OEM or OEM replica for brand of engine. Outside of cylinder head must measure factory width and length. No billet heads of any material. Head must retain factory OEM valve angle. No deck plates permitted. Side draft and aftermarket intake manifolds are allowed.
5. Maximum of one P pump up to P7100 allowed. 13MM plunger limit. Ag governors permitted. The use of multiple high pressure common rail fuel pumps is legal.
6. Hand throttles permitted. Must work in forward motion with 2 return springs.
7. Any turbo allowed. Can't exceed 3.6 smooth bore.
8. Water injection is prohibited. Air to air intercooler & Air to water are permitted. Ice and water must be in went crossing scale.
9. Engine must have 3/8 cable surrounding #1 & #2 cylinder and must pass thought the manifold.

Big Block High Output - 2024 Championship Series

1. Maximum weight 6200 pounds.
2. Front weight bracket can’t extend more than 195” from the center of the rear axle. Weight may not extend more than 65” from the centerline of front axle Tab must be welded on center of front axle for measuring.
3. Weights can’t exceed the width of the vehicle. No weight allowed in cab.
4. All weight or ballast must be securely fastened.
Chassis and Suspension
1. NO higher than 1 ton drive line.
2. OEM frame rail only permitted.
3. Suspension may be block or solid.
4. All air or hydraulic suspension systems cannot have hydraulic, air or electric lines attached to these devices during competition.
5. Max width of truck is 102”. Max. Regular cab 137” Max. Extend cab 151”.
1. Batteries are not allowed in cab.
2. Manual battery disconnect easily accessible and clearly mark is required.
Dress Code
1. DOT helmet to be worn and fastened.
2. Leather shoes, pants & shirt. Fire suits are required.
1. Vehicle must retain original factory wheelbase.
2. Sheet metal must conform to wheelbase.
3. No full fiberglass body are permitted.
4. Must have a firewall, bed floor can be removed. If floor remove must have bed cover.
5. No mud flaps or dirt deflector.
6. No Flatbed allowed.
7. Bed must replicate OEM.
8. Cab must have sheet metal floor pans.
1. Must have Front working brakes.
1. All vehicles must be equipped with upward pointing exhaust out of truck hood. Or directly under the cab. If exhaust runs to rear of truck must turn up elbow.
2. Two 3/8-inch diameter bolts must be placed through the exhaust pipe in a cross pattern within one inch of each other.
Safety Equipment
1. All trucks must have at least six-inch-wide u-joint shield around the rear u-joint construct-ed of at least 5/16-inch steel or 3/8 aluminum that will safely contain the u-joint and the end of the driveshaft. All shields must be securely mounted to vehicle. Any front shaft u-joints that can be visibly seen from side of truck must be shielded to contain the u-joint and the end of the driveshaft.
2. Axle shields are required. Shield to be .060” thickness steel or aluminum. A hole may be cut in one shield to allow operation of hub lock.
3. Safety Switch will be securely mounted to back of vehicle. A 2 inch or bigger solid ring must be attached to end of switch. Ring must be zip tied to switch bracket. Switch must also be able to be activated in cab while driver is secured in vehicle.
Drive Line
1. Transfer case and differential cannot be no larger than one ton.
2. No drop box allowed.
3. Posy or weld front differential allowed.
4. Profab 205 quick change transfer case are allowed. Will be seal in tech.
5. SFI bell housing and/or SFI blow proof bell housing or SFI blanket type shield must be used.
6. Traction Control devices are not permitted
7. Automatic transmissions must be covered 360 degrees from back of engine block to the tall shaft bolts.
1. Tires must be DOT approved no larger than 35x12.50. or 315x75 Metric.
2. Must have factory tire size stamped for verification. If size is removed, they will be considered illegal.
3. No studded tires or tire chains. No alterations to tires permitted. No bar or terra tires.
Fire Extinguisher
1. All vehicles must have a 2 1/2 lb. dry chemical or 1 lb. halo extinguisher.
2. Must be securely mounted within reach of driver.
1. No fuel tanks or fuel lines in cab. Tanks may be mounted on front weight box.
2. Gasoline/ Race Fuel Only. No alcohol or Nitrous allowed.
3. No oxygen accelerators.
4. May be subject to fuel testing. If refused, you will be disqualified.
Driver Restraint System
1. Seatbelts are required & recommended to be fastened & worn during competition.
1.. Must be rigged in all directions, no part of the hitch cannot exceed more than 3 “above frame rails. And no further forwards than centerline of rear axle.
2. No Bolts in hitch, must be forge pins.
3. From point of hook to centerline of rear axle shall be no less than 27% of wheels base.
4. Maximum hitch height of 26” with a minimum of 3.75”x3” opening.
5. Tab must be welded in center of rear axle to assist in measuring.
1. No cubic inch limit.
2. Any aluminum cylinder head permitted.
3. Non OEM aluminum block permitted. (If use of aluminum block must have 100 lb of weight in engine bay and visible to tech inspector) Must be OEM bore spacing
4. Single naturally aspirated cabs only with no split or tunnel rams allowed.
5. Any make engine allowed with any make body.
6. Rear of block must be 12” behind the center of front axle tube.
7. All fans must be shrouded at least 180 degrees on top.
8. One 4 barrel carb max.
9. Blow proof harmonic balancer or 360 shield highly recommended.

Pro Street Semi -2024 Appalachian Outlaws Pulling Series

General Rules
Rules may be altered or change anytime thru the season for equalization of the class.
1. Vehicle must be stock appearance for that year, model and make of truck. All must have complete Safety equipment.
2. All competition vehicles must have a firewall between the engine compartment and the driver's compartment. No holes except for controls. Holes must be no larger than one-half inch larger in diameter than the control that passes through.
3. Universal joint shields required beyond the rear of the transmission. Must be a solid construction, 5/16” thick steel minimum and be able to contain debris or direct debris toward the ground. U-joint shields not required on the inter-axle drive shaft provided the top of the frame between the rears is securely covered with minimum 1/8” aluminum or steel. One drive shaft loop must be installed on any driveshaft over 36” long including those with a carrier. Driveshaft loop should be near the center of the shaft and be capable of keeping the shaft from coming out of the vehicle in the event of breakage.
4. All vehicles must have working brakes on all rear wheels.
5. All fans must have fiberglass blades. A complete shroud must encircle the fan area (360 degrees) and be securely attached. A heavy fiberglass shroud is highly recommended.
6. Drivers must use a seatbelt when hooked to the sled. Helmet is highly recommended.
7. No riders are permitted in trucks at any time. Driver may not leave the driver's seat while the vehicle is on the pulling track. Driver will take all directions from the flagman on the track.
8. All Truck may be driven or hauled into the pull.
9. All trucks must have a fire extinguisher.
10. At no time may rear drive axles lose contact with the ground while the truck is hooked to the sled.
*If the rear drive axles leave the track surface before beginning forward movement while under Green Flag.; then the truck will be red flagged and lose one attempt.
*Driver will be informed to maintain contact with the pulling surface. If 2nd attempt results in drive axles losing contact again then the truck is DQ’d.
11. All Appalachian Outlaw general rules apply.
Pro Street Semi - Legality of Entry
All entries must be appearance of Street Licensed Semi Truck. Truck must be capable of pulling a trailer on the highway.
Air Bags/Axles
1. Only tandem drive axle semi-trucks will be permitted to compete, trucks with triple rear axles or lift axles are not permitted. Tandem axle spacing must be between 60” and 52”. No front wheel drive will be permitted. No single axle trucks. No dump trucks. No specialty trucks (well-drilling, wreckers, boom trucks, etc.) will be permitted to compete.
2. There must be 66” from the center of the tandems to the first obstruction forward such as the back of the truck cab, toolbox, wet line box, etc.
3. The use of air bags is permitted. However, no air may be added to or removed from the air bags while the truck is hooked to the weight transfer machine.
4. Trucks with air ride suspension must be equipped with chains or some type of limiting device on both drive axles to prevent the height of the frame from changing during the pull. Air bags cannot travel more the 5” inch went fully inflated.
5. Chains or limiting devices must be tight (no slack) when the hitch is measured.
6. Four short chains or cables from the side of the frame down to the axle housings is recommended.
7. No chains and binders going up and over the frame rails allowed.
8. The height of the hitch must remain the same from start to finish. Any change in the hitch height will be cause for disqualification.
9. All air bags will be fully inflated and then the hitch height will be set.
10. Breakage or failure of a chain or limiting device while hooked to the sled will be cause for disqualification.
Engine & Transmission
1. Over 3000 rpm you must have the following safety equipment (RPM will be check at random times).
a) Transmission blanket
b) Guillotine to shut air off. Or kill switch to power to fuel pumps. All safety switches must be securely mounted in rear of truck with two-inch ring. Switch may also be activated in cab
d) Two 3/8-inch diameter bolts must be placed through the exhaust pipe in a cross pattern within one inch of each other and within 12 inches of turbo.
d) Any single turbo (Larger than 3.0” in diameter) must have a minimum of 1/8” cable wrapped around the turbo. Cable must wrap two revolutions around turbo, clamped by a minimum of two clamps at splice. or metal collars around intake with attaching 1/8” cables to exhaust housing, or Kevlar lined turbo blanket covering the intake housing.
2. Water injection in any form is not permitted. Air to air intercooler only. No ice or water permitted on the truck during competition. An OEM equipped; liquid cooled after cooler is permitted.
3. No ether, alcohol, nitrous or other combustible (propellant) liquid or combustible material may be injected into the turbocharger or any part of the air intake system.
4. Turbos are limited to single O.E.M. Turbocharger with an O.E.M 3.6-inch (92 mm) maximum inducer bore on the atmosphere turbo with O.E.M factory exhaust wheels. The bore will be measured using a 3.65-inch slug. Compressor wheel must protrude 1/8 inch into the 3.6 bore. Map width enhancement of .180” maximum is permitted which must be in the O.E.M. location, (no forward facing MWE groove). Any cut, notched, or etc. turbo wheels/blades will result in a disqualification. Turbo housing must be unaltered OEM/ Factory with no provision made for extra air flow and/or machining to allow larger turbo wheels in the housing. No bushing of the inducer is permitted. It is the responsibility of the driver to make the inlet
of the turbo accessible for inspection, any truck disqualified for this reason will be required to undergo a complete super tech prior to any further competition. Absolutely no refunds for any illegal turbo found after the class has pulled. Exceptions:
a) A factory 2005-2009 & 2011 CAT twin turbo engine is permitted with the factory-installed non- altered turbos.
b) Detroit Diesel two-cycle engines may utilize one turbocharger per bank, single-staged only. Must be Air Research or Garrett brand only, T18A90 maximum (or its after-market equivalent).
5. All exhaust must exit behind the driver’s compartment (no hood stacks permitted) and must exit vertically. (Turnout, bull hauler, aussie, etc. stack tips are permitted).
6. Transmissions and rear ends must be commercial semi-truck factory components.
7. Only mechanically activated clutches are permitted. (Hydraulic assists are permitted)
Electronic Fuel Injection Systems/Fuel Injection Pumps
1. Alteration/modification/replacement of the (OEM) original factory fuel pump is not permitted. No pump may be modified with Sigma parts. No Billet fuel pumps.
2. A Cummins engine must have a Cummins fuel pump - A Detroit must have a Detroit fuel pump – A Cat must have a cat fuel pump.
3. No sigma pumps OR MW pumps are permitted. Normal pump diesel is the only fuel permitted in this class.
Hitches (hitch may be adjust at any time)
1. All trucks competing in the “Pro Street” Semi class are required to have their own hitching device that is subject to approval by the head tech official at each event. This hitch must work from the 5th wheel with the 5th wheel centered between the two rear axles. The hitch must be adjustable so that the height from the ground to the point of hook is between 26” and 16” + or – 1”. The hitch will be measured when the truck weighs in AND immediately before the semi hooks to the sled.
2. Centerline of the rear axle to hook point on the semi hitch must be no greater than 7 feet.
3. Fifth Wheel Position- Kingpin/Fifth wheel plate position no further forward then the center of the front axle and no further back then center between the two axles.
1. All tires must be road use approved tires and available to the public. Dual wheels and dual tires must be used on the rear axles. No chains or cables permitted. No cutting of tires is permitted. Maximum tire size limited to; 11x24.5 x 8.25 (or) 10 x 22 x 8.25 (or) 315/85R x 22.5. Tread width of 10” per each drive tire.
2. No split rim or wedge lug type wheel allowed. No spoke type wheels. Wheels must be bud type.
Weight of Truck
1. Maximum weight for any truck will be 22,000 lbs. All trucks will be weighed in at all points collecting events, if the wheelbase is too long to fit all three axles on the scales, the truck may be “spilt” weighed. A variance of one percent (220 lbs.) will be given ONLY if the truck must be “split” weighed.
2. All trucks shall appear 'road ready'.
3. No hanging weight permitted anywhere on the truck or hitch. No weight boxes on or above the fifth wheel.
4. Hidden weights are permitted must not be visible and not below the frame rails. All weights must be securely fastened.
5. No weights allowed in cab or bunk.

Thank you to our Sponsors

West Central Equipment, Barnes Garage, Inc, Barnes Body Shop, Inc, JLG Industries, and Somerset Trust Co.

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