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Fair Committees
Executive Committee: Bill Hoover, Ch., Barbara Mearkle, John Zembower & John E. Holbert
Advertising & Promotion: John Zembower, Ch., John E. Holbert, Bill Hoover, Jake Hoover, Peggy Zembower & Barbara Mearkle
Agriculture: Tom Wakefield, Ch., Dwayne Hay, Scott Myers, John Sloas & Melanie Barkley
Personnel Committee: Bill Hoover, Ch., Harry Reffner, John Zembower, & Peggy Zembower
Premium Guide/Fair Entry: Barbara Mearkle, Ch., & Katie Cromer
Gate Manager & First Aid Coordinator: Terry Gardill, Ch., & Peggy Zembower
Sponsorships: Bill Hoover, Ch., & Barbara Mearkle
Building & Grounds: Jake Hoover, Peggy Zembower, John Sloas, John E. Holbert, David Flurie, Dave Stigers & Bill Hoover
Concessions: John E. Holbert, Ch., Tom Wakefield, Peggy Zembower & Dave Stigers
Entertainment: Jeremy Barnes, Ch., John Zembower, Jake Hoover, Bill Hoover, John E. Holbert, & Colt McDonald
Midway Stage Music: Barbara Mearkle, Ch., & Scott Feather
Fair Queen Contest: Beverly Stanton, Ch.
Harness Racing: Jake Hoover, Ch. & Karl Huymair
Auto Racing: Jake Hoover, Ch., Peggy Zembower, & Bill Hoover
Truck & Tractor Pulls: Troy Mickle & Jason Mickle
Strategic Planning Committee: Bill Hoover, Ch., Barbara Mearkle, John Zembower, Peggy Zembower, Jake Hoover & John Sloas
Fair Week Office Staff: Barbara Mearkle, Audrianne Barnes, Donna Rhodes & Shane Feather
Safety Committee: Peggy Zembower, Ch., Harry Reffner, John E. Holbert, Dave Stigers, Jake Hoover, & Tom Wakefield
Show Ring Coordinator: John Sloas, Ch., Travis Price, Keith Lohr, Hunter Lohr, Shawn Akers & Mike Cottle
Show Arena Announcer: Paul Shaffer
Milkhouse Attendants: Mike Kidd & Jerry Cessna
Grandstand Manager: Heather Deibert & Mark Deibert
Senior Events Committee: Bill Hoover, Ch., Traci Weyant & John Zembower
Veteran's Appreciation Committee: Susie Mickle, Lisa Cairo, & Jr Fair Board
Voices on the Grandstand Talent Contest: Susie Mickle, Ch., Galla, Debbie Drobenak, Don Fair & Peggy Zembower
Exhibit/Fair Entry Clerk: Katie Cromer, Ch., Nicole Arnold, Nanette Pittman & Merrilee Anderson
Security & Parking: Irvin Claycomb, Ch., Peggy Zembower & Terri Gardill
Stage and Track Managers: Jeremy Barnes, Jake Hoover, Bill Hoover, Troy Mickle & Jason Mickle
Sound Systems: Don Fair & Kevin Harklerode
Digital Scrapbook Committee: Barbara Mearkle & Shane Feather
Website & Social Media: Barbara Mearkle, Ch., Jamie Mearkle, & Jake Hoover
Videography & Photography: Barbara Mearkle, Shane Feather, Cindi Feather & Krista Downs
Jr. Fair Board/Ag Promotion: Bill Hoover, Ch., Tom Wakefield, Troy & Susie Mickle, Advisors, Emily Clark & Wyatt Wigfield, Assistant Advisors
Kids Pedal Tractor Pull: Brandon Hartrampf, Ch., Verl Miller, Mike Berkey & Joe Hine
Historical Committee: Jake Hoover, Ch., John E. Holbert, Eric Zembower, Peggy Zembower, & Tom Wakefield
Department Superintendents
For Department committee members, see individual departments under Premium Guide.
Jordan Hall (Sr. Exhibits): Harry & Marcia Reffner
4-H Center (Jr. Exhibits): Leann Harr & Ivah Coleman
Beef Cattle: Ezra Swope
Dairy Cattle: Wayne Koontz & Bob Stanton (Assistant)
Dairy Judging Contest: Dwayne Hay & Morgan Knepp
Draft Animals: Tammy Furry & Jordyn Alwine
Sheep: Rodney Fisher
Jr. Horse & Pony: Erin Cromer & Lauren Carpenter
Jr Model Horse: Michele Dibert
Jr Dairy Beef: Tiffany Cessna & Thad Wakefield (Assistant)
Jr. Swine: Wayne Felix
Jr. Dairy Goats: Spring Truax-Whisel
Jr. Market Goats: James Over
Jr Carcass Animals: Scott Myers
Jr. Group Exhibits: Dwayne Hay
Jr. Livestock Judging Contest: Melanie Barkley & Ginger Fair
Jr. Rabbits & Cavies: Lita Jezeskie & Cheryl Jezeskie
Learning Center: Ron Ickes & McKenzi Black
Jr. Poultry: Craig Reasy
Jr. Vegetables, Fruits & Floral: Kay Kring
Jr. Home & Dairy Products: Bonnie Diehl
Jr. Needlecrafts: Beverly Stanton
Jr. Arts & Crafts: Brandie Ednie
Sr. Vegetables, Grains & Hay, Eggs: Richard Hyde, Kara Lynn & Lori Foor
Sr. Fruits & Nuts: Richard Hyde, Kara Lynn & Lori Foor
Sr. Home & Dairy Products: Jenny Horner
Evergreens: Dean McCloskey
Sr. Floral: Richard Hyde, Kara Lynn & Lori Foor
Sr. Needlecraft: Lana Fisher
Sr. Arts & Crafts: Dena Diehl & Shelly Cable
Wines: Angie Claar
Sheep Leadline: Vickie Styer
Horseshoe Pitching Contest: John Clites
Log Cutting Contest: Zack Brouse
Fair Beautification Contest: Beth Sherwood, Andy & Nicole Arnold
Voices at the Fair Talent Contest: Susie Mickle, Peggy Zembower, Dan & Galla, & Don Fair
4-H Air Rifle Contest: Jeffrey Brantlinger
4-H Air Pistol Contest: Jeffrey Brantlinger
Apiary & Maple Projects: Jenny Horner
Antique Farm Machinery: Bob Dibert
Jr Livestock Sale: Clarissa Barton
Veterinarians: Dr. Michele Anderson, Bracken Ridge Veterinary Service, & Dairyside Veterinary Service
The Bedford County Agricultural Society would like to thank the volunteers who are listed above, and all the other volunteers and employees who make our Fair possible. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
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