Fair Committees
Executive Committee: Bill Hoover, Ch., Barbara Mearkle, John Zembower & John E. Holbert
Advertising & Promotion: John Zembower, Ch., John E. Holbert, Bill Hoover, Jake Hoover, Peggy Zembower & Barbara Mearkle
Agriculture: Tom Wakefield, Ch., Dwayne Hay, Scott Myers, John Sloas & Melanie Barkley
Personnel Committee: Bill Hoover, Ch., Harry Reffner, John Zembower, & Peggy Zembower
Premium Guide/Fair Entry: Barbara Mearkle, Ch., & Katie Cromer
Gate Manager & First Aid Coordinator: Terry Gardill, Ch., & Peggy Zembower
Sponsorships: Bill Hoover, Ch., & Barbara Mearkle
Building & Grounds: Jake Hoover, Peggy Zembower, John Sloas, John E. Holbert, David Flurie, Dave Stigers & Bill Hoover
Concessions: John E. Holbert, Ch., Tom Wakefield, Peggy Zembower & Dave Stigers
Entertainment: Jeremy Barnes, Ch., John Zembower, Jake Hoover, Bill Hoover, John E. Holbert, & Colt McDonald
Midway Stage Music: Barbara Mearkle, Ch., & Scott Feather
Fair Queen Contest: Beverly Stanton, Ch.
Harness Racing: Jake Hoover, Ch. & Karl Huymair
Auto Racing: Jake Hoover, Ch., Peggy Zembower, & Bill Hoover
Truck & Tractor Pulls: Troy Mickle & Jason Mickle
Strategic Planning Committee: Bill Hoover, Ch., Barbara Mearkle, John Zembower, Peggy Zembower, Jake Hoover & John Sloas
Fair Week Office Staff: Barbara Mearkle, Audrianne Barnes, Donna Rhodes & Shane Feather
Safety Committee: Peggy Zembower, Ch., Harry Reffner, John E. Holbert, Dave Stigers, Jake Hoover, & Tom Wakefield
Show Ring Coordinator: John Sloas, Ch., Travis Price, Keith Lohr, Hunter Lohr, Shawn Akers & Mike Cottle
Show Arena Announcer: Paul Shaffer
Milkhouse Attendants: Mike Kidd & Jerry Cessna
Grandstand Manager: Heather Deibert & Mark Deibert
Senior Events Committee: Bill Hoover, Ch., Traci Weyant & John Zembower
Veteran's Appreciation Committee: Susie Mickle, Lisa Cairo, & Jr Fair Board
Voices on the Grandstand Talent Contest: Susie Mickle, Ch., Galla, Debbie Drobenak, Don Fair & Peggy Zembower
Exhibit/Fair Entry Clerk: Katie Cromer, Ch., Nicole Arnold, Nanette Pittman & Merrilee Anderson
Security & Parking: Irvin Claycomb, Ch., Peggy Zembower & Terri Gardill
Stage and Track Managers: Jeremy Barnes, Jake Hoover, Bill Hoover, Troy Mickle & Jason Mickle
Sound Systems: Don Fair & Kevin Harklerode
Digital Scrapbook Committee: Barbara Mearkle & Shane Feather
Website & Social Media: Barbara Mearkle, Ch., Jamie Mearkle, & Jake Hoover
Videography & Photography: Barbara Mearkle, Shane Feather, Cindi Feather & Krista Downs
Jr. Fair Board/Ag Promotion: Bill Hoover, Ch., Tom Wakefield, Troy & Susie Mickle, Advisors, Emily Clark & Wyatt Wigfield, Assistant Advisors
Kids Pedal Tractor Pull: Brandon Hartrampf, Ch., Verl Miller, Mike Berkey & Joe Hine
Historical Committee: Jake Hoover, Ch., John E. Holbert, Eric Zembower, Peggy Zembower, & Tom Wakefield